Palatul Chaillot
In secolul al 16-lea, Caterina de Medicis a construit si ea o casa la tara aici, pe dealul Chaillot, mai tarziu ocupate de Marshall de Bassompière. Richelieu sent him to the Bastille, where they say he burned the more than 6,000 love letters he received over the course of his life. Richelieu l-au trimis la Bastille, unde se spune le-a ars mai mult de 6.000 de scrisori de dragoste a primit de-a lungul vietii sale. In 1651, Queen Henrietta of England took over the palace and founded the convent of the Visitation, where many famous ladies came to relax. In 1651, regina Henrietta a Angliei a preluat palat si a fondat manastirea a Vizitarea, in cazul in care faimosul multe doamne au venit sa se relaxeze. The convent was later torn down to accommodate the Palace that Napoleon dreamed of building for his son, the King of Rome. Manastirea a fost mai tarziu rupt in jos pentru a se potrivi Palatul ca Napoleon visat de construire pentru fiul sau, regele Romei. But his dream was shattered by the fall of his Empire. Dar visul sau a fost spulberat de caderea Imperiului sau. T rocadéro gets its name from fort Cadix, taken by the French in 1823 to reestablish the Spanish moRocadéro T devine numele sau de fort Cadix, luate de francezi in 1823 pentru restabilirea monarhiei spaniole. The Trocadero Palace, whose design was inspired by Moorish art, was built for the World Expo in 1878, and it was here that the ancient Chaillot Palace was built for the 1937 Expo. Palatul Trocadero, al carui design a fost inspirat din arta maura, a fost construit pentru World Expo in 1878, si a fost aici faptul ca antic Chaillot Palatul a fost construit pentru Expo 1937. The current palace is the work of Azema, Carlu, and Boileau. Palatul actual este opera de Azema, Carlu, si Boileau. Between its two curving wings that slope toward the Seine is the terrace of the Rights of Mankind, from which there is a magnificent view of the Eiffel Tower and the Champs de Mars. Intre cele doua aripi de curbare ca panta spre Sena este terasa de drepturile de omenirii, din care exista o vedere magnifica la Turnul Eiffel si Champs de Mars. T he Chaillot Palace is the home of many different museums in several fields, such as cinema, maritime history, and anthropology, as well as the CinematheqPalatul Chaillot este de origine din diferite muzee multe in mai multe domenii, cum ar fi cinema, istorie maritima, si antropologie, precum si Cinemateca.