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Principii de comunicare in timpul unei crize

Principii de comunicare in timpul unei crize

  • Plan ahead.  Prepare a crisis plan in which you think through the kinds of crisis your organization might experience, the stakeholders that would be impacted, the channels of communications to reach stakeholders, who would be responsible for each stakeholder group, chain of command for approving the release of information, media policy, etc.  Consider testing the plan with a crisis drill. Planul de dinainte. Pregateste un plan de criza in care credeti ca, prin felul de criza organizatia dumneavoastra ar putea experienta, a partilor interesate, care ar fi afectate, canalele de comunicare pentru a ajunge la partile interesate, care ar fi responsabil pentru fiecare grup de parti interesate, lantul de comanda pentru aprobarea de eliberare a informatiilor, politica de mass-media, etc Luati in considerare in planul de testare cu o criza exercitiu.

  • Utilize a multi-disciplinary crisis management team for information gathering and decision-making.  This could include legal, operations, human resources, sales and marketing, government relations, public relations, etc. Utiliza un multi-disciplinare de gestionare a crizei, echipa pentru culegerea de informatii si de luare a deciziilor. Acest lucru ar putea include juridice, operatiuni, resurse umane, vanzari si marketing, guvern relatii, relatii publice, etc

  • Communicate quickly and accurately.  Make sure you make careful judgment calls as to what information is accurate, what is rumor, and what is unverified. Comunica rapid si cu acuratete. Asigurati-va ca ati face hotarare atent la ceea ce solicita ca informatiile sunt corecte, ceea ce este zvon, si ceea ce este neverificate.

  • Remember, the importance of taking the right actions to address the issues.  Resist the temptation to deny responsibility and say what is being done to bring the situation under control and prevent situations in the future.  In general, a key to successful crisis communications is to:  express concern and accept responsibility (if warranted), say what is being done to bring the situation under control, say what is being done to rectify any damage or harm that was caused by the action, and say what is being done to prevent the situation from happening again. Amintiti-va, importanta de a lua dreptul de actiuni de abordare a problemelor. Reziste tentatiei de a nega raspunderea si spune ce se face pentru a aduce la situatia sub control si pentru a preveni situatiile in viitor. In general, un element-cheie de succes pentru a crizelor de comunicare este de a : exprima ingrijorarea si sa accepte responsabilitatea (daca este garantat), spune ce se face pentru a aduce la situatia sub control, spun ce se face pentru a remedia orice deteriorare sau rau ca a fost cauzata de actiune, si sa spun ce se face pentru a preveni situatie sa se intample din nou.

  • Become central source of information, respond to the news media in the same news cycle, remember to communicate to a wide variety of audiences outside the news media, and establish two-way communications mechanisms so that you are quickly aware of questions and concerns of stakeholders. Centrala deveni sursa de informatii, pentru a raspunde in mass media in acelasi ciclu de stiri, amintiti-va sa comunice intr-o mare varietate de audiente in afara Stiri mass-media, si sa stabileasca doua fel de mecanisme de comunicare, astfel incat sa se repede constienti de intrebari si preocuparile partilor interesate .

  • "Over-communicate" with employees and release information to employees before the news media and other stakeholder groups. 'Peste-comunica' cu angajatii si diseminarea de informatii catre angajati inainte de stiri mass-media si a altor grupuri de participanti.

  • Remember the importance of communicating your care and is an important factor that many stakeholders consider in deciding whether they trust you. Amintiti-va de importanta de a comunica si de ingrijirea dumneavoastra preocupare este un factor important in considerare faptul ca multe parti interesate in a decide daca au incredere in tine.

  • Remember to have a communications plan for your organization's Web site and Internet. Amintiti-va sa aveti un plan de comunicare pentru organizarea de site-ul Web si Internet.

  • And remember, you are in this for the long run.  Establishing credibility at the beginning of the crisis is essential. Si nu uitati, sunteti in acest de pe termen lung. Stabilirea credibilitate de la inceputul crizei, este esential.

Principles of Communication During a Crisis

Plan ahead. Prepare a crisis plan in which you think through the kinds of crisis your organization might experience, the stakeholders that would be impacted, the channels of communications to reach stakeholders, who would be responsible for each stakeholder group, chain of command for approving the release of information, media policy, etc. Consider testing the plan with a crisis drill.

Utilize a multi-disciplinary crisis management team for information gathering and decision‑making. This could include legal, operations, human resources, sales and marketing, government relations, public relations, etc.

Communicate quickly and accurately. Make sure you make careful judgment calls as to what information is accurate, what is rumor, and what is unverified.

Remember, the importance of taking the right actions to address the issues. Resist the temptation to deny responsibility and say what is being done to bring the situation under control and prevent situations in the future. In general, a key to successful crisis communications is to: express concern and accept responsibility (if warranted), say what is being done to bring the situation under control, say what is being done to rectify any damage or harm that was caused by the action, and say what is being done to prevent the situation from happening again.

Become central source of information, respond to the news media in the same news cycle, remember to communicate to a wide variety of audiences outside the news media, and establish two-way communications mechanisms so that you are quickly aware of questions and concerns of stakeholders.

"Over-communicate" with employees and release information to employees before the news media and other stakeholder groups.

Remember the importance of communicating your care and is an important factor that many stakeholders consider in deciding whether they trust you.

Remember to have a communications plan for your organization's Web site and Internet.

And remember, you are in this for the long run. Establishing credibility at the beginning of the crisis is essential.