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Testarile STANAG la limba engleza (sau la alte limbi straine)



De cativa ani, testarile STANAG la limba engleza (sau la alte limbi straine) au devenit o practica obisnuita pentru ofiterii, subofiterii si chiar si pentru civilii care lucreaza in armata romana, dar ele continua sa sperie sau sa ridice intrebari pentru multi dintre cei care urmeaza sa fie testati. Dintre toate, testarea deprinderii VORBIT creeaza cele mai mari angoase, atat din motive psihologice, cat si din motive lingvistice.

Pentru a clarifica lucrurile si a asigura un anumit grad de pregatire privitor la modul de abordare a acestui tip de testare si privitor la reactia pe care cei testati trebuie sa o aiba in diversele momente ale procesului in sine, autorii indrumarului de fata s-au gandit inca de anul trecut universitar (2003 - 2004) sa elaboreze o lucrare care sa vina in sprijinul celor interesati, dand detalii despre modul in care decurge testarea STANAG la limba engleza, cu insistenta deosebita pe modul de derulare a interviului (ultima proba a testarii, in Bucuresti si in alte centre de testare). Prima parte a acestei lucrari a fost publicata anul trecut, dar din pacate ea nu mai poate fi folosita deoarece protocolul de desfasurare a probei VORBIT a testarii s-a schimbat destul de mult in toamna anului 2004, lucru pe care cei care au fost testati incepand din noiembrie 2004 incoace l-au observat cu siguranta. Astfel, demersul nostru a trebuit refacut in totalitate.

Pentru cei care au fost testati anterior toamnei anului trecut si ar vrea sa stie, din varii motive, ce schimbari au aparut, le putem enumera pe scurt: nu se mai acorda niveluri pe scala folosita de partenerii americani (0+, 1+, 2+ etc.), ci numai nivelurile stipulate in STANAG 6001, adica: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 (ultimul putand fi acordat numai ca urmare a examinarii de catre o echipa speciala a Structurii Expert in Testare, la sesizarea echipei de testare a abilitatii VORBIT desemnate pentru sesiunea respectiva); nu se mai foloseste procedeul de testare numit IGT ("information gathering and transfer" - culegerea si transferul de informatii); probele au o durata limitata, fixata prealabil si comunicata candidatului inainte de fiecare proba; partea introductiva a dialogului, "incalzirea", este mult mai restransa; la nivelul 3 a mai aparut o proba: monolog pe o tema obisnuita; s-au standardizat documentele ce se completeaza la finalul fiecarui interviu.

Exista, ca atare, nu numai modificari procedurale ale interviului, asa cum il stiu cei care au trecut prin aceasta proba pana in toamna anului 2004, ci si consecinte asupra evaluarii in sine a celor astfel testati, pentru ca au disparut nivelurile intermediare, "plusurile", care aratau ca abilitatile unui subiect testat nu erau de nivelul indicat de cifra de dinaintea semnului "+", ci de nivelul urmator, dar evolutia subiectului in timpul interviului nu era omogena pe nivelul imediat urmator (ca exemplu vezi cele doua scheme de mai jos pentru fostul nivel 1+).







1 puternic


Pentru cei care se intreaba ce se va intampla, conform noului protocol de testare, cu un candidat care era de nivelul 2+ in vechiul protocol de testare, raspunsul este simplu: citind aceasta lucrare, vor vedea ca mostrele de limbaj pe care le da un candidat si modul in care abordeaza acesta sarcinile specifice nivelului 3 permit comisiei sa-i acorde fie nivelul 2, fie nivelul 3. Documentele care reglementeaza modul in care se ia aceasta decizie sunt: glosarul (care contine informatii, detaliate pentru fiecare nivel, despre structurile gramaticale,vocabularul folosit, modul de indeplinire a sarcinilor indicate de catre comisie, modul de prezentare a discursului si strategiile comunicationale folosite de candidat - toate, conform descriptorilor de nivel STANAG 6001) si fisa de apreciere a evolutiei individuale a candidatului in timpul interviului.

Primul document mentionat mai sus, glosarul, prevede urmatoarele:

Pentru nivelul 1:

Controlul structurilor gramaticale de baza:

prezentul simplu (cu folosirea sporadica a terminatiei "-s" la persoana a treia singular);

pronumele personale;

adjectivele pronominale posesive;

formele de plural ale substantivelor numarabile (in general terminate in "-s");

articolul (o forma generalizata sau absent);

de obicei se foloseste un singur timp verbal (sau doar infinitivul scurt);

adjectivele si adverbele (fara a discerne functia lor in context sau fara respectarea ordinii cuvintelor in propozitie);

prepozitiile de timp si spatiu (forme generalizate sau absente);

predicate formate cu verbele modale "can" si "must".

Controlul lexical al vocabularului de baza:

zilele saptamanii/anului, lunile anului, culorile, numele diferitelor obiecte;

nationalitati, adrese, nume de profesiuni, membrii familiei;

numele de alimente, vocabularul legat de cumparaturi cazare, mijloacele de transport.

Modul de indeplinire a sarcinilor:

indeplinirea cerintelor formulate la fiecare subiect in parte (intrebare - raspuns, culegere de informatii, dialogul situational);

indeplinirea sarcinilor sus-mentionate in limita nevoilor de supravietuire;

respectarea parametrilor sarcinii privitori la continut (respectarea cerintei propriu-zise) si la durata indicata pentru fiecare sarcina/tip de subiect (durata va fi indicata de catre comisie pentru fiecare sarcina in parte, dupa formularea cerintei);

gradul de adecvare a discursului la cerinta - suficient - (in proportie de 80-100% conform descriptorilor de nivel 1 STANAG 6001).

Modul de prezentare a discursului: se folosesc elemente de relatie comune (mai exact: "and", "but", "or").

Strategiile de comunicare: lipsesc.

Pentru nivelul 2:

Controlul structurilor gramaticale de baza:

prezentul simplu si prezentul continuu;

trecutul simplu si trecutul continuu;

folosirea verbelor auxiliare la negativ si la interogativ;

formele de plural ale substantivelor numarabile (cu dificultati la formele neregulate de plural);

pronumele si adjectivele (folosite cu o anumita inconsecventa si cu greseli sporadice);


prepozitiile de timp, spatiu sau directie;


gradele de comparatie ale adjectivelor regulate si neregulate;

verbele modale "can", "may", "must", "should", "would" urmate de infinitivul scurt;

exprimarea relatiilor gramaticale de baza: acordul subiect - predicat, trimiterea la subiect printr-o forma pronominala adecvata.

Controlul lexical al vocabularului de baza:

cuvintele si expresiile care acopera necesitatile legate de procurarea mancarii, cazarii, transportului;

vocabularul necesar interactiunii in situatii de rutina sociala sau la locul de munca.

Modul de indeplinire a sarcinilor:

indeplinirea cerintelor formulate la fiecare subiect in parte (naratiune la timpul trecut, descriere de persoana/loc, compararea a doua persoane/locuri/situatii, instructiuni/directii, dialogul situational);

indeplinirea sarcinilor sus-mentionate de o maniera clara;

respectarea parametrilor sarcinii privitori la continut (respectarea cerintei propriu-zise) si la durata indicata pentru fiecare sarcina/tip de subiect (durata va fi indicata de catre comisie pentru fiecare sarcina in parte, dupa formularea cerintei);

gradul de adecvare a discursului la cerinta - general - (in proportie de 80-100% conform descriptorilor de nivel 2 STANAG 6001).

Modul de prezentare a discursului:

se construiesc paragrafe simple dar complete (secvente de 5 - 8 propozitii/fraze legate intre ele prin elemente de relatie comune);

se folosesc urmatoarele elemente de relatie: conjunctii coordonatoare ("and", "but", "or", "so"), cauzalul "because", adverbe si locutiuni adverbiale de timp ("then", "after this/that", "at last", "before this", "finally", "at first") si cumulativele "also" si "besides".

Strategiile de comunicare folosite: circumlocutia (folosirea mai multor cuvinte pentru a reda sensul cuvantului/expresiei adecvate).

Pentru nivelul 3:

Controlul urmatoarelor structuri gramaticale:

La toate structurile mentionate la nivelurile anterioare, se adauga urmatoarele

diversele tipuri de fraza conditionala;

diferitele modalitati de exprimare a viitorului;

diateza pasiva si alte structuri echivalente acesteia;

concordanta timpurilor verbale;

propozitiile subordonate

adjectivele participiale (obtinute prin conversie de la formele a doua si a treia verbale);

respectarea ordinii cuvintelor in propozitia engleza;

pot aparea greseli in folosirea: subjonctivului, viitorului anterior, modalelor la timpul trecut (perfect modals), gerundivului si infinitivului

Controlul lexical:

cuvinte/expresii ce denumesc concepte abstracte pe subiecte din domenii ca: economie, cultura, stiinta, tehnologie, filosofie, campul de activitate profesional;

un numar variabil de expresii idiomatice.

Modul de indeplinire a sarcinilor:

indeplinirea cerintelor formulate la fiecare subiect in parte (naratiune la trecut, descriere de persoana/loc, sustinerea unei opinii, monolog pe o tema obisnuita, dialogul situational, monolog ipotetic);

indeplinirea sarcinilor sus-mentionate de o maniera eficienta, care produce rezultatul scontat;

respectarea parametrilor sarcinii privitori la continut (respectarea cerintei propriu-zise) si la durata indicata pentru fiecare sarcina/tip de subiect (durata va fi indicata de catre comisie pentru fiecare sarcina in parte, dupa formularea cerintei);

gradul de adecvare a discursului la cerinta - in ansamblu - (in proportie de 80-100% conform descriptorilor de nivel 3 STANAG 6001);

respectarea registrului stilistic cerut de fiecare tip de sarcina in parte (gradul de formalitate/informalitate necesar in functie de situatia de comunicare simulata si de tipul de public caruia i se adreseaza discursul).

Modul de prezentare a discursului:

se produce discurs extins;

vorbirea este coerenta, organizata, bine ancorata in subiectul abordat, folosind elemente de relatie adecvate;

elementele de relatie folosite sunt: consecutivele ("as a result", "therefore", "consequently", "thus"), conclusivele ("in conclusion", "to conclude", "to summarize", "all in all", "in other words", "in short", "in summary"), temporalele ("afterwards", "eventually", "to begin with"), cauzalele ("as", "for", "since"), cumulativele ("in addition", "furthermore"), adversativele ("however", "on the other hand", "moreover").

Strategiile de comunicare folosite: sunt variate si adecvate contextului in care este nevoie de parafraza pentru a compensa absenta informatiei exacte (cuvant/expresie).

Cel de-al doilea document care ajuta la stabilirea nivelului unui candidat testat pentru deprinderea VORBIT este fisa de apreciere a evolutiei individuale a candidatului in timpul interviului. Aceasta este o foaie care contine si pe fata si pe verso aceleasi informatii pentru orice interviu si pentru toti cei intervievati. Fiecare membru al comisiei va completa o pagina si isi va semna evaluarea astfel facuta. Rubricile sunt cam aceleasi ca cele din glosar si cuprind in mare aceleasi informatii, sub forma unui tabel cu patru randuri (corespunzatoare nivelurilor STANAG 0, 1, 2, si 3) si cu 5 coloane (corespunzatoare celor 5 parametri evaluati la fiecare persoana testata pentru deprinderea VORBIT: indeplinirea sarcinilor, controlul structurilor gramaticale si lexicale, aspectele formale ale discursului, tipul de discurs produs si strategiile de comunicare folosite. Aprecierea facuta de fiecare dintre cei doi membri ai comisiei se soldeaza cu bifarea unei singure casute pe fiecare coloana, pe randul corespunzator nivelului la care parametrul respectiv a fost indeplinit (0, 1, 2 sau 3). Cum numarul de parametri considerati este impar (cinci coloane/parametri), nivelul final acordat fiecarui subiect testat este cel cu numarul cel mai mare de bife (trei, patru, maximum cinci). Cu alte cuvinte, o persoana care a fost testata pentru deprinderea VORBIT poate fi evaluata ca fiind de nivelul 2, de exemplu, daca are toate bifele pe fisa de apreciere in dreptul nivelului 2 sau daca are maximum doua bife la nivelurile 1 sau 3 STANAG, restul bifelor fiind pentru nivelul 2. Nivelul final, cel care va fi comunicat unitatii care a solicitat testarea, este considerat valid doar daca cei doi membri ai comisiei ajung la aceeasi concluzie privind nivelul celui testat pentru a se evalua cunoasterea limbii engleze pe deprinderea VORBIT. Daca nu exista consens intre membrii comisiei, atunci se procedeaza la re-examinare de catre o alta comisie; aceasta pana in momentul in care mijloacele tehnico-materiale vor permite sa se inregistreze interviurile pe banda magnetica si se poate evalua retroactiv fiecare interviu in parte, daca va fi nevoie, fara re-examinare. Re-examinarea este posibila si in cazul in care cel testat este susceptibil a avea abilitati de nivel 4 STANAG, caz in care trebuie urmat un alt protocol de testare, aplicat de catre o comisie speciala, de aceea el nu face obiectul lucrarii de fata.

Fisa de apreciere a evolutiei individuale a candidatului in timpul interviului contine urmatoarele rubrici (fiecare rubrica fiind prevazuta si cu o casuta pentru bifa examinatorului):

Pentru nivelul 0:

Indeplinirea sarcinilor / TASK FULFILLMENT

Poate construi enunturi si formula intrebari folosind NUMAI material memorat.

Controlul structurilor gramaticale si lexicale/LEXICAL & STRUCTURAL CONTROL

Foloseste cuvinte si structuri memorate. Nu exista (sau doar in prea mica masura) control al structurilor gramaticale.

Aspecte formale ale discursului / DELIVERY

Pronuntia, accentul si intonatia sunt extrem de defectuoase.

Tipul de discurs produs / OUTPUT

Cuvinte si expresii in izolare.

Strategiile de comunicare / COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES

Interactioneaza de o maniera foarte limitata.

Pentru nivelul 1:

Indeplinirea sarcinilor

Poate comunica in situatii simple din viata de zi cu zi. Functiile sunt satisfacute tipic in parametrii sarcinii. Raspunsul la stimulii interlocutorului/situatiei este adecvat, in linii generale.

Controlul structurilor gramaticale si lexicale

Frecvente greseli de gramatica si de vocabular. Conceptele legate de timpurile gramaticale sunt vagi. Se poate sa foloseasca numai un timp verbal sau tinde sa evite anumite structuri gramaticale. Vocabularul este limitat la nevoile imediate si la rutina zilnica.

Aspecte formale ale discursului

Rareori vorbeste intr-un ritm fluent si natural. Pronuntia, accentul si intonatia afecteaza deseori sensul. Vorbirea este deseori caracterizata de ezitari, o ordine aleatorie a cuvintelor, pauze frecvente pentru cautarea cuvintelor.

Tipul de discurs produs

Poate produce propozitii sau siruri de doua sau mai multe fraze simple si scurte legate cu elemente de relatie comune.

Strategiile de comunicare

Intelegerea mesajului este adesea distorsionata, dar este capabil sa ceara ajutor si sa verifice intelegerea mesajului in interactiunea frontala. Prin repetitie, se face inteles/inteleasa celor care sunt in contact constant cu vorbitorii straini de limba engleza. Poate solicita informatii si clarificari.

Pentru nivelul 2:

Indeplinirea sarcinilor

Poate comunica in situatii uzuale legate de traiul social si de sarcinile de la locul de munca. Functiile sunt tipic indeplinite, in limitele parametrilor ceruti de sarcinile incredintate de examinatori. Raspunsul la solicitarile interlocutorului sau situatiei este in general adecvat.

Controlul structurilor gramaticale si lexicale

Structurile gramaticale de baza sunt controlate tipic. Foloseste vocabular concret. Pot aparea greseli gramaticale si/sau de vocabular. Desi acestea pot impieta asupra sensului, mesajul este transmis.

Aspecte formale ale discursului

Abordeaza sarcinile cu incredere in sine, dar nu cu usurinta (de exemplu: face pauza pentru a-si planifica materialul lexical sau gramatical). Pronuntia, accentul si intonatia pot afecta sensul.

Tipul de discurs produs

Organizeaza discursul in paragrafe scurte, dar complete.

Strategiile de comunicare

Mentine discutiile pe teme familiare. Are capacitatea de a folosi circumlocutii pentru a transmite mesajul/sensul. Vorbeste, in general, intr-un mod adecvat situatiei.

Pentru nivelul 3:

Indeplinirea sarcinilor

Poate participa la majoritatea conversatiilor pe subiecte practice, sociale si profesionale. Functiile sunt eficient indeplinite, in limitele parametrilor sarcinilor incredintate de catre examinatori. Raspunsul la stimulii auditoriului sau situatiei este in ansamblu adecvat din punct de vedere stilistic.

Controlul structurilor gramaticale si lexicale

Combina in mod eficient structurile gramaticale si vocabularul pentru a transmite mesajul/sensul cu acuratete. Inacuratetea structurala este arareori cauza neintelegerilor. Utilizarea diverselor structuri gramaticale este flexibila si sofisticata. Capabil sa foloseasca un vocabular de mica frecventa pentru a transmite mesaje despre subiecte abstracte. Greselile pot aparea in utilizarea vocabularului de mica frecventa si a unor structuri gramaticale cu un grad mare de complexitate.

Aspecte formale ale discursului

Vorbeste fluent si cu naturalete, de o maniera adecvata situatiei. Nu este necesar sa-si caute cuvintele/expresiile. Erorile de pronuntie nu distorsioneaza sensul. Pronuntia poate avea amprenta evidenta a unei alte limbi.

Tipul de discurs produs

Produce discurs extins, elaborat.

Strategiile de comunicare

Poate redresa cu usurinta conversatia, cu toate ca se poate ca aluziile culturale, proverbele, nuantele si expresiile idiomatice sa nu fie pe deplin intelese. Vorbitorul umple pauzele aparute in comunicare in mod adecvat, utilizand o varietate de artificii lingvistice compensatorii.

Trebuie precizate doua aspecte extrem de importante in legatura cu cele doua documente amintite mai sus. In primul rand, faptul ca ele nu sunt creatia autorilor prezentului indrumar, desi am contribuit, prin feedback si amendamente, la elaborarea lor. Noi am cautat aici sa le traducem in asa masura incat utilizatorii acestei lucrari sa poata intelege cat mai bine modul in care sunt evaluati si care sunt criteriile respectate pentru a fi evaluati de o maniera standard, care sa elimine pe cat posibil elementul subiectiv al testarii de catre o comisie sau alta.

In al doilea rand, faptul ca modificari de o mai mica sau mai mare amploare pot in continuare fi aduse glosarului si fisei de apreciere, desi Structura Expert de Testare nu-si va permite niciodata sa se departeze de la documentele pe care se grefeaza cele doua: descriptorii de nivel STANAG 6001. Modificarile survenite si cele susceptibile in viitor sunt grefate pe descriptorii de nivel prevazuti de STANAG 6001, dar vor nuanta si vor imbogati criteriile in beneficiul unei testari cat mai corecte, obiective si standardizate, pe baza constatarilor facute de examinatorii activi cu privire la validitatea si suficienta actualelor criterii de evaluare.

De pilda, disparitia nivelurilor 0+, 1+ si 2+ conduce la necesitatea unui numar cat mai mare de criterii de departajare intre nivelurile STANAG existente. Aceste criterii, asa cum s-a putut vedea din continutul fisei de apreciere de mai sus, sunt actualmente in numar de cinci: indeplinirea sarcinilor, controlul structurilor gramaticale si lexicale, aspecte formale ale discursului, tipul de discurs produs si strategiile de comunicare. Noi consideram ca departajarea ar fi mult facilitata si mai bine nuantata de introducerea a doua noi criterii: unul rezultat din scindarea criteriului "controlul structurilor gramaticale si lexicale" in "controlul structurilor gramaticale" si "controlul structurilor lexicale", iar celalalt nou criteriu necesar ar fi "modul de organizare a discursului". Aceste modificari ar fi benefice, dar nu exista nici o garantie ca ele vor fi implementate anul viitor sau in viitorul predictibil, pentru ca nu se fac modificari care nu se bucura de acordul intregii echipe de testare lingvistica din cadrul M.Ap.N.

In continuare, vom face cateva recomandari celor interesati sa fie pregatiti si din punct de vedere psihologic sa participe cat mai eficient la testarea deprinderii VORBIT conform STANAG 6001.

Asigurati-va ca nu veti fi tulburati de nimeni si de nimic in timpul interviului. Deci: inchideti-va telefoanele mobile inainte de intrarea in sala de examen! Atat cei de la serviciu, cat si cei de acasa stiu unde sunteti si ce faceti in aceste maximum 30 de minute si nu ar trebui sa va caute in acest interval de timp, iar alte persoane nu merita atentia dumneavoastra tocmai in astfel de momente. De fapt, acesta precizare este facuta si in scris si asteapta sa fie citita pe usa salii de examen chiar inainte sa intrati acolo. Este bine sa cititi toate precizarile facute acolo - pentru dumneavoastra au si fost facute.

Cand ati intrat in sala, va trebui sa trageti un bilet pe care se afla un numar pe care il veti comunica si comisiei ca aceasta sa stie ce varianta de subiecte sa va administreze. Dar fiti fara grija: orice varianta ati fi ales, veti putea sa demonstrati ce nivel real au abilitatile dumneavoastra de a vorbi limba engleza, deoarece toate variantele existente in bateriile de subiecte contin aceleasi tipuri de subiecte si beneficiaza de aceeasi pondere de subiecte militare si de subiecte generale.

Din momentul in care incepe interviul propriu-zis, nu se va mai putea folosi nici o alta limba decat limba engleza. Nu trebuie sa va supere acest fapt, pentru ca va aflati aici tocmai spre a vi se evalua capacitatea de a folosi oral limba engleza si nu vreo alta limba. Nu incercati sa obtineti echivalentele englezesti, pe care nu le stiti sau nu vi le amintiti, ale unor cuvinte romanesti! Nu le veti obtine. In fata dumneavoastra nu se afla profesori (de data aceasta), ci evaluatori; considerati-i vorbitori nativi de limba engleza, considerati ca nu va puteti face intelesi in nici o alta limba decat engleza.

Primele 2 minute si jumatate ale interviului (ca si ultimele, de altfel) nu se evalueaza. Conversatia care are loc acum este una menita sa ajute candidatul sa se destinda, vorbind despre lucruri cunoscute, facile. Aceasta etapa a interviului, introducerea lui, pe care noi o numim "incalzire" ("warm-up"), va asigura intrarea in atmosfera testului si va acomodeaza cu ideea ca, pentru maximum 30 de minute, veti vorbi numai in limba engleza.

Am precizat deja faptul ca varianta de subiecte v-o alegeti dumneavoastra in momentul in care trageti unul dintre biletele numerotate, inainte de inceperea interviului propriu-zis. In ceea ce priveste varianta de nivel aleasa, trebuie stiut faptul ca tot dumneavoastra o decideti, indirect, prin scorul pe care l-ati obtinut la testul de plasament (ALCPT), inainte de a sustine toate celelalte probe. Daca scorul la testul de plasament este de maxim 74%, veti fi testati pe nivelurile 1 - 2 STANAG, daca scorul obtinut este intre 75% si 100%, veti fi testat pe nivelurile 2 - 3 STANAG.

Din paragraful anterior se observa ca testele utilizate actualmente sunt teste bi-nivel. S-a considerat ca este obositor si descurajant pentru un candidat care are un nivel 2 slab sau chiar nivelul 1 sa i se aplice teste multi-nivel. Acestea consuma timp si energie atat din partea comisiei, cat si din partea candidatului, putand induce oboseala candidatului si putand conduce la greseli lingvistice sau chiar la blocaje psihologice.

Un candidat care a fost evaluat ca putand vorbi limba engleza de nivelul 2 STANAG, de exemplu, poate sa aiba abilitati mai solide sau mai slabe decat altii de acelasi nivel, poate aborda intr-o oarecare masura si teme abstracte in limba engleza sau nu, poate vorbi mai fluent sau mai putin fluent ca alti candidati cotati la acelasi nivel. Acest fapt nu trebuie sa mire si nici sa ridice semne de intrebare. Exista doar 5 niveluri STANAG, dar milioane de vorbitori ai limbii, fiecare vorbind-o in maniera proprie, chiar daca poate folosi cunostintele si abilitatile respective in limitele descriptorilor de nivel in care se incadreaza toti ceilalti vorbitori evaluati identic. Acest fapt are insa consecinte la nivelul protocolului de evaluare a deprinderii VORBIT. Dand exemplu tot un candidat de nivelul 2, exista si aici variante de protocol aplicat (toate posibilele variante aplicate actualmente se regasesc in capitolele acestui indrumar); nivelul 3 poate fi sondat o data, de doua ori, pe tot parcursul interviului sau deloc, daca persoana respectiva nu permite lingvistic si psiholingvistic abordarea nivelului superior (ceea ce, totusi, se intampla extrem de rar).

Un interviu in urma caruia candidatul obtine nivelul 0 STANAG incepe ca cel pentru nivelul 1, cu o secventa de 4 - 5 intrebari la timpul prezent pe o tema data. Daca nici una dintre intrebari nu primeste un raspuns care sa demonstreze abilitatea de a construi propozitii coerente si corecte in limba engleza, atunci se considera ca a fost sondat nivelul 1, iar candidatul va fi stimulat sa spuna cuvinte izolate in limba engleza, denumind: culori, zilele saptamanii/lunii, obiecte reale aflate in sala de examinare etc.(vezi Capitolul 1 al "Indrumarului").

Un interviu in urma caruia candidatul obtine nivelul 1 STANAG poate decurge urmand trei variante diferite de protocol. Prima: o secventa de 4 - 5 intrebari la timpul prezent pe o tema data la care candidatul raspunde cu mare greutate si facand frecvente greseli, deci nu permite sondarea nivelului 2 (practic, in continuare, comisia sondeaza nivelul 1); culegere de informatii, sarcina candidatului fiind sa adreseze o serie de intrebari unuia dintre membrii comisiei pe o tema data; dialog situational (pentru detalii, vezi Capitolul 2). A doua varianta: o secventa de 4 - 5 intrebari la timpul prezent pe o tema data la care candidatul da raspunsuri corecte; o naratiune la timpul trecut si o descriere de loc/persoana pe care candidatul le abordeaza cu mare greutate si face greseli frecvente (astfel se sondeaza nivelul 2, dupa care se revine la protocolul nivelului 1); culegere de informatii; dialog situational (pentru detalii, vezi Capitolul 2). A treia varianta: o secventa de 4 - 5 intrebari la timpul prezent pe o tema data la care candidatul da raspunsuri foarte bune; o naratiune la timpul trecut si o descriere de loc/persoana pe care candidatul le abordeaza cu incredere, dar facand greseli relativ frecvente; compararea a doua persoane/locuri/ situatii pe care candidatul o abordeaza cu greutate, dar nu complet defectuos; dialog situational de nivelul 2, in care complicatia fie nu este rezolvata, fie nu este inteleasa de catre candidat (pentru detalii, vezi Capitolul 2).

Un interviu in urma caruia candidatul obtine nivelul 2 STANAG poate decurge in cinci moduri diferite. Prima varianta posibila este urmatoarea: o secventa de 4 - 5 intrebari la timpul prezent pe o tema data la care candidatul da raspunsuri corecte din punct de vedere structural si lexical; o naratiune la timpul trecut si o descriere de loc/persoana pe care candidatul le abordeaza cu usurinta, facand doar greseli ocazionale, de aceea, dupa aceasta sondare a nivelului 2, se continua protocolul pentru nivelul 2; compararea a doua persoane/locuri/situatii pe care candidatul reuseste sa o faca; instructiuni sau directii suficient de clar date cat sa poate descrie pas cu pas drumul ce trebuie parcurs pentru a executa o operatiune sau a ajunge la o anumita destinatie; dialog situational de nivelul 2, in cadrul caruia candidatul reuseste sa rezolve complicatia pe care situatia data o prezinta, in ciuda greselilor structurale si/sau lexicale frecvente (pentru detalii, vezi Capitolul 3). A doua varianta: o naratiune la timpul trecut si o descriere de loc/persoana pe care candidatul le abordeaza cu relativa greutate, facand greseli frecvente, dar reusind sa-si indeplineasca sarcina (astfel, nivelul 2 este sondat, nu este nevoie sa se coboare la nivelul 1, mai ales ca protocolul acesta se aplica unui candidat care a obtinut peste 74% la testul de plasament, dar sunt dovezi clare ca face fata cu prea mare dificultate sarcinilor de nivel 2 pentru a fi sondat nivelul 3); compararea a doua persoane/locuri/situatii pe care candidatul reuseste sa o faca, desi cu greutate sau cu greseli relativ frecvente; instructiuni sau directii suficient de clar date cat sa poate descrie pas cu pas drumul ce trebuie parcurs pentru a executa o operatiune sau a ajunge la o anumita destinatie; dialog situational de nivelul 2, in cadrul caruia candidatul reuseste sa rezolve complicatia pe care situatia data o prezinta, in ciuda greselilor structurale si/sau lexicale (pentru detalii, vezi Capitolul 3). A treia varianta: o naratiune la timpul trecut si o descriere de loc/persoana pe care candidatul le abordeaza cu usurinta si corect; sustinerea unei opinii pe o tema pe care o citeste unul dintre membrii comisiei si pe care o puteti si citi de pe un cartonas ce va este inmanat in momentul in care vi se da sarcina (aceasta reprezinta sondarea nivelului 3, iar daca ea nu este abordata la nivel abstract sau se comit frecvente erori de structura lexicala sau gramaticala, atunci se revine la protocolul de nivel 2); compararea a doua persoane/locuri/situatii pe care candidatul reuseste sa o faca; instructiuni sau directii suficient de clar date cat sa poate descrie pas cu pas drumul ce trebuie parcurs pentru a executa o operatiune sau a ajunge la o anumita destinatie; dialog situational de nivelul 2, in cadrul caruia candidatul reuseste sa rezolve complicatia pe care situatia data o prezinta (pentru detalii, vezi Capitolul 3). A patra varianta: o naratiune la timpul trecut si o descriere de loc/persoana pe care candidatul le abordeaza cu usurinta si corect; sustinerea unei opinii pe o tema pe care o citeste unul dintre membrii comisiei si pe care o puteti si citi de pe un cartonas ce va este inmanat in momentul in care vi se da sarcina (aceasta reprezinta o prima sondare a nivelului 3, iar daca ea decurge relativ bine, atunci se continua cu protocolul de nivel 3); monolog pe o tema obisnuita (aceasta proba este considerata doar o noua sondare a nivelului 3 in cazul in care candidatul nu raspunde conform descriptorilor de nivel 3 la stimulul pentru aceasta sarcina; ca atare, se revine la protocolul de nivel 2); instructiuni sau directii suficient de clar date cat sa poate descrie pas cu pas drumul ce trebuie parcurs pentru a executa o operatiune sau a ajunge la o anumita destinatie; dialog situational de nivelul 2, in cadrul caruia candidatul reuseste sa rezolve complicatia pe care situatia data o prezinta (pentru detalii, vezi Capitolul 3). A cincea varianta: o naratiune la timpul trecut si o descriere de loc/persoana pe care candidatul le abordeaza corect si cu usurinta; sustinerea unei opinii (aceasta este prima sondare a nivelului 3, iar daca ea este efectuata satisfacator, se continua cu protocolul de nivel 3); monolog pe o tema obisnuita (daca si acesta decurge relativ bine, in ciuda frecventelor greseli structurale, candidatului i se aplica in continuare protocolul de nivel 3); dialog situational de nivel 3 in decursul caruia candidatul interactioneaza lingvistic relativ adecvat, desi continua sa faca greseli de structura); monolog pe o tema ipotetica pe care candidatul nu reuseste sa-l abordeze conform descriptorilor de nivel 3 STANAG (pentru detalii, vezi Capitolul 3).

Un interviu in urma caruia candidatul obtine nivelul 3 STANAG decurge astfel: o naratiune la timpul trecut si o descriere de loc/persoana pe care candidatul le abordeaza corect din punct de vedere structural si cu multa suplete lingvistica, demonstrand un stil elegant si obisnuinta de a se exprima liber in limba engleza; sustinerea unei opinii (aceasta reprezinta sondarea nivelului 3, iar daca ea este efectuata conform descriptorilor de nivel 3 STANAG, se continua cu protocolul de nivel 3); monolog pe o tema obisnuita (in parametrii descrisi mai sus in acest paragraf); dialog situational de nivel 3 in decursul caruia candidatul interactioneaza lingvistic adecvat si eficient); monolog pe o tema ipotetica pe care candidatul reuseste sa-l abordeze conform descriptorilor de nivel 3 (pentru detalii, vezi Capitolul 4).

Ca un element de noutate fata de sesiunile de testare anterioare toamnei anului 2004, candidatilor li se garanteaza un timp de gandire de 30 de secunde dupa ce primesc fiecare sarcina, exceptie facand dialogurile situationale si instructiunile/directiile. Dar, daca exista neclaritati in privinta cerintei, puteti oricand sa cereti lamuriri privitoare la aceasta, insa fiti convinsi ca lamuririle vor fi tot in limba engleza.

Un alt element de noutate, care vine in sprijinul unei cat mai bune intelegeri a cerintelor formulate pentru sarcinile ce vi se dau, este reprezentat de cartonasele pe care le primesc candidatii. Acestea contin exact cerintele pe care trebuie sa le respectati pentru fiecare sarcina in parte, in cazul in care formularea este mai ampla. Desi auziti si de la membrii comisiei aceste cerinte, puteti verifica intelegerea corecta a lor citindu-le si de pe aceste cartonase ce vi se dau pentru urmatoarele tipuri de probe: dialogurile situationale pentru orice nivel STANAG, sustinerea unei opinii si monologul, fie pe o tema ipotetica, fie pe o tema obisnuita.

Fiti foarte atenti la informatiile continute in cerinte, ele sunt vitale indeplinirii cu succes a sarcinii ce vi se

da pentru fiecare subiect in parte. Am atrage aici atentia in mod deosebit asupra dialogurilor situationale, care preiau, in mod firesc, dealtfel, si o functie pe care o indeplinea in vechiul protocol IGT-ul (culegerea si transferul de informatii): formularea de intrebari. Daca veti citi (si asculta) cu atentie cerinta dialogului situational pentru nivelul 2, veti constata ca aveti de formulat intrebari. Trebuie sa formulati aceste intrebari din mai multe motive: pentru a demonstra ca ati inteles cerinta, pentru a arata ca stiti cum se construiesc intrebarile in limba engleza si mai cu seama pentru ca este firesc in orice conversatie sa adresezi si intrebari, nu sa dai numai raspunsuri, ca in timpul unui interogatoriu.

Exista sarcini care contin o anumita complicatie. Va recomandam sa rezolvati complicatia existenta sau pe cea creata de examinator, fara a crea si dumneavoastra o complicatie. Retineti: noi verificam abilitatile dumneavoastra lingvistice, si nu pe cele psihologice! Dealtminteri, nici nu puteti fi judecati pentru modul in care ganditi anumite lucruri legate de subiectele aduse in discutie, ci doar pentru modul in care va exprimati aceste pareri in limba engleza.

Am precizat, intr-unul dintre paragrafele anterioare, ca nu numai introducerea ("incalzirea") nu se evalueaza, ci nici partea finala. Aceasta parte, pe care o putem numi "detenta" sau "relaxarea" (wind-down) marcheaza finalul oricarei conversatii si nu face subiectul deliberarii pentru a alege un anumit subiect de discutie in sine. Este o portiune a dialogului candidatului cu comisia in care cel dintai spune ce are de gand sa faca in viitorul apropiat, se schimba formule de salut, iar candidatul stie ca testarea a luat sfarsit in momentul respectiv.

Si, in sfarsit, o ultima recomandare, de ordin psihologic: incercati sa fiti cat mai relaxati in timpul interviului, pentru ca tensiunea nervoasa diminueaza calitatea prestatiei dumneavoastra! Membrii comisiei au experienta in testare si vor incerca sa va ajute sa aratati cat mai exact cu putinta ce sarcini puteti indeplini folosind limba engleza, vor incerca sa creeze o atmosfera propice unui dialog cat mai relaxat. Totodata, insa, nu uitati ca acest proces de evaluare si protocolul pe care il prevede el au fost indelung analizate, discutate, iar la ora actuala ele sunt puternic standardizate, deci nimic nu poate fi schimbat in structura interviului. Dumneavoastra trebuie doar sa raspundeti la stimuli, nu sa incercati sa modificati structura interviului.



1.1. Descriptori de nivel

Vorbitorul este capabil sa satisfaca nevoi imediate folosind enunturi exersate, memorate. Poate pune intrebari sau alcatui afirmatii de o corectitudine rezonabila doar folosind enunturi sau formule memorate. Incercarile de a crea limbaj de comunicare sunt, de obicei, lipsite de succes. De obicei, vocabularul este limitat la sfera nevoilor imediate pentru supravietuire. Majoritatea enunturilor sunt telegrafice; cuvintele de legatura si marcatorii sunt omisi, confundati sau distorsionati. Chiar si cand se face repetare, comunicarea este sever limitata, chiar si cu persoanele obisnuite sa vorbeasca cu nenativi. Accentul, intonatia si tonul sunt, de obicei, destul de defectuoase chiar si in limbajul memorat.

1.2. Metodologia desfasurarii interviului

Nivelul 0 este diferit de celelalte din cauza faptului ca este nivelul competentei memorate, la care candidatul nu este capabil sa creeze limbaj, ci doar sa reproduca enunturi si formule memorate. De aceea, este dificil de purtat o conversatie la acest nivel.

Se incepe cu saluturi si prezentarea examinatorilor, si imediat cerinta lor catre candidat ca acesta sa ofere cateva informatii autobiografice. La acest punct se va stabili nivelul de lucru, deoarece candidatul va avea mari dificultati in a raspunde adecvat acestei cerinte.

Drept urmare, interviul va consta in conversatii minime cu material memorat, precum si in solicitarea unor enumerari.

Acest nivel este singurul in care se permite folosirea unor suporturi materiale (imagini, obiecte) si a gesturilor. Temele incluse aici sunt: informatii minime despre sine, culori, articole vestimentare, ora, zilele saptamanii, lunile anului, date, membrii familiei, vreme si obiecte esentiale.

1.3 Tipuri de subiecte

Acest capitol ofera un exemplu de interviu de nivel 0.

(Good morning. Have a seat. My name is X, this is my colleague, Y. )

" My name is Z."

(Did you have any difficulties in finding this place?)

" I don't understand."

(Did you have any difficulties in finding this place? )

" I don't understand."

(OK. Could you tell us a few things about you for the beginning?)

" Me? My name is Z. I am 30 years old. I don't know."

(Do you like the weather outside? What is it like?)

" The weather? It is hot. I don't like it."

( Please tell me what I am wearing.)

" Dress, shoes ."

(What colour are they?)

"The dress - blue,the shoes - black.

(What other colors can you see in this room?)

" Red, yellow, green,white."

(Please tell us a few words about your family.)

"I have a husband, his name is W, a sister, she is a doctor."

( What objects can you see in this room?)

" Pen, book, table, chair."

( What day is today?)

" Monday."

(And yesterday?)

" Sunday."

( Thank you. The interview is over. You may go. Goodbye.)


Candidatul de nivel 0 nu are nici un fel de control asupra structurilor, nu produce text, ci doar cuvinte sau expresii individuale, se bazeaza doar pe material memorat asa cum s-a exemplificat in interviul de mai sus.



2.1. Descriptori de nivel

Nivelul 1 STANAG, numit si nivelul elementar, descrie astfel abilitatile de a vorbi limba engleza ale celui ce poate obtine nivelul 3 la deprinderea VORBIT:

Vorbitorul poate sa sustina o conversatie de tipul fata-in-fata, in situatii uzuale zilnice. De asemenea, poate sa creeze un limbaj de comunicare prin combinarea si recombinarea elementelor de vorbire familiare si memorate. Poate sa inceapa, sa mentina si sa incheie conversatii scurte prin utilizarea intrebarilor si raspunsurilor simple si scurte. De obicei, poate sa duca la bun sfarsit situatii legate de nevoi speciale simple, previzibile, personale si de cazare; stie sa raspunda cerintelor minime de politete, de prezentare si de identificare; poate sa schimbe formule de salut, sa exprime in termeni generali informatii biografice previzibile si esentiale, sa comunice despre sarcinile de rutina simple de la locul de munca; sa solicite bunuri, servicii si asistenta, sa ceara informatii si clarificari si sa exprime satisfactia, insatisfactia si confirmarea.

Tematicile abordate includ nevoi sociale de baza, cum ar fi: comandarea mesei, obtinerea informatiilor privind cazarea si transportul, cumparaturi. Vorbitorii nativi obisnuiti cu nenativii trebuie, de multe ori, sa faca eforturi pentru a-l intelege, sa solicite repetarea si sa foloseasca bagajul de cunostinte generale pentru a-l intelege pe acest vorbitor. Rareori vorbeste fluent si nu poate realiza un discurs coerent, cu exceptia cazurilor in care a repetat pe de rost ceea ce are de spus. Frecvent, face greseli de pronuntie, vocabular, iar gramatica distorsioneaza, de multe ori, intelesul mesajului. Conceptele despre timpurile gramaticale sunt vagi. Deseori utilizeaza doar un sigur timp verbal sau evita utilizarea anumitor structuri gramaticale. Vorbirea este deseori caracterizata de ezitari, ordinea cuvintelor in propozitie este incorecta si nesigura, pauzele sunt frecvente, depune eforturi in a cauta cuvintele (cu exceptia expresiilor de rutina), reformuleaza si se corecteaza, insa fara succes.

Un vorbitor de nivel 1 foloseste o gramatica elementara simpla, care include prezentul simplu (cu folosirea sporadica a terminatiei "-s" la persoana a treia singular); pronumele personale; adjectivele pronominale posesive; formele de plural ale substantivelor numarabile (in general cele regulate); articolul (o forma generalizata sau absent); de obicei se foloseste un singur timp verbal (sau doar infinitivul scurt); adjectivele si adverbele (fara respectarea ordinii cuvintelor in propozitie); prepozitiile de timp si spatiu (forme generalizate sau absente); predicate formate cu verbele modale "can" si "must".

Vocabularul este corespunzator pentru formulele uzuale de politete si nevoile practice minime necesare, in cazul unei calatorii, pentru obtinerea hranei si cazarii, acordarea de indrumari minime si pentru solicitarea de asistenta.

Greselile de vocabular, gramatica si pronuntie sunt frecvente si pot adesea cauza neintelegeri.

Fluenta este adecvata in cazul expresiilor de politete memorate si cel al enunturilor obisnuite. In celelalte situatii, lipseste.

2.2. Metodologia

Un interviu de nivelul 1 se desfasoara conform uneia dintre cele trei variante incluse in cadrul protocolului de testare. Cei care evalueaza stabilesc varianta in timpul interviului, in functiile de raspunsurile pe care le primesc de la candidat.

Tipurile de subiecte incluse in prima varianta sunt:

o scurta conversatie pe o tema data (patru-cinci intrebari la timpul prezent);

culegere de informatii (sarcina candidatului este de a formula cateva intrebari unuia dintre evaluatori, pe o tema data);

dialog situational (candidatul trebuie sa interactioneze intr-o situatie legata de nevoi sociale de baza precum comandarea mesei, obtinerea informatiilor privind cazarea sau transportul, cumparaturi ).

Cea de-a doua varianta include si un subiect care verifica potentialul pentru nivelul urmator (un subiect de nivelul 2) si decurge dupa cum urmeaza:

o scurta conversatie pe o tema data;

naratiune in trecut si descriere de loc sau de persoana (aceasta este proba de nivelul 2);

culegere de informatii;

dialog situational.

Nivelul 2 este sondat ca urmare a unor raspunsuri corecte la prima sarcina, ceea ce ii obliga pe cei din comisie sa verifice daca cel intervievat nu poate functiona la nivelul urmator. Se revine, insa, la nivelul 1 ca nivel de lucru daca cel intervievat abordeaza proba de nivel 2 cu mare greutate si face greseli frecvente.

In cea de-a treia varianta doar primul subiect este de nivelul 1, iar celelalte sunt sarcini de nivelul 2:

o scurta conversatie pe o tema data;

naratiune in trecut si descriere de loc sau de persoana;

compararea a doua locuri/persoane/situatii;

dialog situational de nivelul 2 (in care apare si o complicatie).

Exista cazuri cand cel intervievat da raspunsuri bune la prima sarcina si o abordeaza cu incredere si pe cea de-a doua (facand, insa, greseli frecvente). Se trece, deci, la o alta proba de nivel 2 - compararea a doua persoane/locuri/situatii, proba care este abordata cu greutate, dar nu complet defectuos si, in final, la dialogul situational de nivel 2, la a carui complicatie candidatul nu raspunde corespunzator - fie nu o intelege, fie nu o rezolva. Faptul ca cel intervievat nu a putut sustine nivelul 2, ci doar s-a apropiat de acesta uneori, justifica acordarea nivelului 1 de catre comisie.

2.3. Tipuri de subiecte

o scurta conversatie pe o tema data;

culegere de informatii;

dialog situational.

Interviul de nivel 1, ca si cele pentru nivelurile superioare, este structurat in trei parti:

1. Prima faza, cea "de incalzire", dureaza in mod obisnuit intre 1 si 3 minute si consta in schimbul de saluturi, prezentarea examinatorilor, incercarea de a detensiona candidatul si formarea unei idei initiale privitoare la nivelul candidatului.

2. Cea de-a doua faza este partea esentiala a interviului, "miezul" acestuia si are ca scop obtinerea unei mostre de limbaj ce poate fi evaluata si aflarea a ceea ce candidatul poate face in limba tinta.

3. Ultima etapa, "incheierea", dureaza 1 pana la 2 minute si ofera candidatului un subiect confortabil pentru ca acesta sa paraseasca sala cu un sentiment reusitei.

In variantele oferite drept exemplu mai jos, etapele intai si a treia vor aparea numai in prima varianta, repetarea lor nefiind necesara, daca tinem cont de faptul ca acestea nu se evalueaza.

2.3.1      . Varianta 1


(Good morning. Have a seat. My name is X, this is my colleague, Y. )

"My name is Z."

(Did you have any difficulties in finding this place? )

" No, no, I know this place."

(That is good. How did you get here?)

"By bus."

(I see. Sir,why don't you start by telling us a few things about you.)

"About me. I am an officer, I work with computers, I like my job, I am married, I have a son, he is six years old . I don't know what else to say."

( Well, maybe a few things about your hobbies.)

"My hobbies. I like sports, football, I like to watch TV and I like to meet my best friend when I have time."

Scurta conversatie

(Is your best friend one of your colleagues?)

"No, he has a different job."

(Where does he work?)

"He works in a hospital. He is a doctor."

(Do you sometimes visit him at work?)

"No, I don't like hospitals. We meet at home or in a restaurant."

(How do you spend your time with him? What do you do?)

"We watch football together and, when the weather is fine, we play football, we talk, we sometimes cook for our wives, you know - things that friends do together."

Culegere de informatii

(You are going to ask me questions now. The topic is my children. Ask me 4-5 questions.)

"How many children do you have?"

(I have three children - two daughters and a son.)

"How old are they?"

(My elder daughter is ten years old, the younger one is eight and the boy is only three.)

"Do they go to school?"

(Yes, one of the girls is in the third grade, the other is in the first grade and both of them enjoy going to school very much. The boy is very young, he will start kindergarten this autumn.).

"What do they do when they don't have school?"

(They play computer games, they watch cartoons, they help me with the housework and then, of course, I have to take them out for an ice cream, they organize competitions - they have new ideas all the time, so they don't get bored.)

Dialog situational

(You are on a military course abroad. You have a week off and you decide to visit a different town. Of course, you need to sleep somewhere. You go to a hotel to get a room. I am the front desk clerk . So, let's start: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

"Good afternoon. I need a room."

(What kind of a room would you like?)

"A single room, with a TV, a phone, a bathtub and a radio, if possible."

(We can offer you such a room, fortunately. How many nights are you going to spend here?)

"Seven nights."

(All right. Can I have any ID?)

"Here you are."

(Thank you. That will cost you 210 pounds. How do you intend to pay?)

"Cash. Here you are."

(Thank you. Here are the keys of your room. Enjoy your stay here. Goodbye.)



(Are you going back home now or do you have to go to work?)

"I am going home. My children are waiting for me, we are spending the day together - we have a lot of plans for this afternoon."

(Then, we are not going to keep you any longer We hope you will have a nice afternoon. The interview is over. You may go. Goodbye. )

2.3.2      . Varianta 2

Scurta conversatie

(Where do you usually spend your winter holidays?)

"I always spend my winter holidays at home, I don't go anywhere because I am not good at winter sports. "

(Whom do you spend your holidays with?)

"I spend Christmas with my family, of course. New Year's Eve is different - we always have a noisy party with a lot of friends, a lot of eating and drinking, and a lot of fun."

(What happens on Christmas Eve in your house? )

"We decorate the tree and, in my family, we also decorate the windows, then we go to church, we sing, we open our presents, we eat Christmas dinner together - it is the best night of the year."

Naratiune in trecut si descriere de loc/persoana

(Yesterday was a Monday. Mondays are, for most people, difficult days, because they have to go to work after the weekend. Tell us what you did yesterday. Describe one of your colleagues.)

"Yesterday, I woke up at 6, I went to work, I stayed until 4, I went home, watched TV and went to bed. This is everything. And my colleague is a man, he is forty, tall and a little fat."

Culegere de informatii

(You are going to ask me questions now. The topic is my hobby. Ask me 4-5 questions.)

"What is your hobby?"

(My hobby is cooking. I know some people don't like spending too much time in the kitchen but I love it. )

"Do you cook only Romanian dishes or can you cook some international ones, too?"

(Actually, I think almost all the dishes are international. I try to cook a diversity of dishes, not the same things all the time.)

"Is there anything that you most enjoy preparing ?"

(Yes, I prefer making desserts. And my friends say they are good, too. )

"Do you sometimes make mistakes when you cook?"

(Of course. Actually, I made such a mistake yesterday. I forgot to put in one of the ingredients and the result was not one of the best. )

Dialog situational

(You are on a military mission abroad. You need winter clothes. You are in a clothes shop I am the shop assistant. OK, let's start: Good afternoon, sir. May I help you?

"Good afternoon. I need to buy a coat and a winter cap."

(The coats are right here. We have several models and several colours, so what would you like?)

"I want a long black or dark blue coat."

(What size should the coat be?)

"Size L, please."

(Here you are. You can try it on if you want and, in the meantime, I will find a cap to go with the coat.)

"All right. I will buy them. How much do I need to pay?"

(250 dollars. How would you like to pay?)

"Cash. Here you are."

(Thank you. Have a nice day and come back again some other time. Goodbye.)


2.3.3      . Varianta 3

Scurta conversatie

(Do you prefer summers or winters?)

"I don't like hot weather, so I don't like summers too much. My favourite season is winter. "

(What do you usually do in the winter to have fun?)

"Every winter, I go to the mountains at least two or three times. I can ski, I can skate and I enjoy these activities a lot. Making snowmen and having snowball fights can also be a lot of fun."

(Do you have your own skiing equipment or do you have to rent it? )

"I rent it, and it is not very expensive. I plan to buy some equipment soon , before the next winter comes."

Naratiune in trecut si descriere de loc/persoana

(Some people have parties to celebrate their birthdays, others celebrate them in a restaurant or somewhere intimate. Tell me how you celebrated your last birthday. Describe one friend that came and congratulated you on your birthday).

"I celebrated my birthday two months ago. Nothing special happened in the morning, but in the evening I took my friend to a restaurant, we had a special dinner and they gave me presents. My best friend was there, too. She is young, not very tall, blonde and her eyes are green. She is beautiful and she smiles all the time. "

Compararea a doua locuri/persoane/situatii

(Think of two different houses you lived in. Speak about their similarities and differences. Include the following points: location and description)

"When I was a student, I lived with my parents in a house and now I have a flat. Both places are in Bucharest, and both have four rooms. My flat is new, but my parents' house is old. I don't have a garden now, and my parents do, but both of us have a garage."

Dialog situational cu complicatie

(You are on a mission abroad. It is lunchtime and you go to a restaurant to have something to eat. I am the waitress. Good afternoon, sir. What can I do for you?

"Good afternoon. I need to see the menu."

(Here you are. Would you like to drink something first?)

"Yes, a glass of white wine, please."

(Have you decided on what to eat?)

"I'll have grilled fish and a potato salad."

(Anything for dessert?)

"Nothing, thank you."

(A cup of coffee at the end?)

"No, thank you, I don't drink coffee."

(Here is your lunch, sir. Enjoy it and call me if you need anything else.)

"Waitress! Bring me the bill, please."

(Here it is. So, you had two glasses of wine, grilled fish, salad and a cup of coffee, and that is 48 dollars.)

"Here is the money. Thank you. Have a nice day."

(You too, sir. Goodbye.)



3.1. Descriptori de nivel

Nivelul 2 este numit satisfacator sau de functionalitate limitata (Limited Working Proficiency) deoarece este cel care ofera vorbitorului posibilitatea de a se descurca in cele mai multe situatii concrete, fara a-i ajuta in cazul contextelor abstracte sau a celor care presupun situatii nefamiliare. In schimb, vorbitorul va fi in stare sa participe cu succes la conversatiile zilnice care se refera la activitati uzuale cum ar fi: discutii legate de domeniul de activitate, familie, hobby-uri, evenimente curente, istorie personala si petrecerea timpului liber. Vorbitorul de nivel 2 se va putea descurca in orice situatie concreta pe care o presupune deplasarea in alta tara, de exemplu, va fi capabil sa ceara si sa dea relatii pe strada, sa se descurce intr-un aeroport, va putea sa comande la restaurant, sa-si rezerve o camera la hotel, sa exprime multumirea sau nemultumirea legata de servicii si chiar sa faca fata unei situatii ce presupune o complicatie. In plus, va reusi sa cumpere/sa schimbe un articol la magazin, sa stabileasca o intalnire, sa stabileasca o programare la medic si sa-si descrie simptomele, sa vorbeasca la telefon si sa ceara relatii.

De obicei, nivelul 2 intelege un vorbitor nativ cand acesta foloseste un limbaj standard, dar va avea dificultati cand in cadrul discursului vor interveni factori perturbatori cum ar fi zgomotele de fond, vorbirea va avea un ritm alert (eg. anunturile in cadrul curselor de cai) sau cand vor interveni idiomuri, proverbe, limbaj sofisticat, elemente de jargon profesional sau de argou, dublate de aluzii ce se refera la elemente ale culturii respective.

Urmatorul tabel ofera o imagine de ansamblu asupra tipurilor de subiecte, discursului de nivel 2 si a erorilor ce pot aparea.


Tipuri de subiecte

Poate face fata unei conversatii neoficiale, bazate pe subiecte concrete, cum ar fi: locul de munca, familia, elemente de biografie, hobby-uri, calatorii, evenimente curente. De asemenea, se va descurca in cazul in care trebuie sa realizeze o descriere, sa dea relatii, instructiuni sau sa intrebe si sa raspunda la intrebari previzibile.

Structuri gramaticale

Foloseste prezentul simplu si continuu; trecutul simplu si continuu, verbele auxiliare la negativ si interogativ, formele de plural ale substantivelor numarabile cu dificultati la formele neregulate; cunoaste pronumele si adjectivele, desi le foloseste inconsecvent si cu anumite greseli, articolele, genitivele, gradele de comparatie ale adjectivelor regulate si neregulate, verbele modale de mare frecventa eg. can, may, must, should si would, urmate de infinitivul scurt. De cele mai multe ori realizeaza acordul subiect-predicat, dar e posibil sa apara erori in cazurile speciale de acord.


Poate combina si lega propozitii intr-un discurs complex, dar nu mai mult de un paragraf.


Poate interactiona cu un vorbitor neobisnuit sa interactioneze cu vorbitori nenativi, desi vorbitorul nativ va trebui sa-si ajusteze limbajul pana la un anumit punct.

Cazuri de folosire

Vorbitorul descrie oameni, locuri si lucruri, nareaza evenimente curente sau din trecut, folosind paragrafe complete, dar simple; poate enunta fapte, compara sau realiza contrastul


Erorile de pronuntie, vocabular si gramatica pot uneori distorsiona intelesul discursului, dar exprimarea este in general inteligibila si adecvata situatiei.

Un nivel 2 poate nara la prezent, trecut si viitor, pe care le stapaneste destul de bine, folosind in majoritatea timpului prezentul simplu, continuu, trecutul simplu si continuu, folosind foarte rar prezentul perfect. Discursul lui va fi in general structurat pentru ca este familiarizat cu modalitatile de realizare a paragrafelor si cu adverbele simple folosite pentru a stabili legatura logica intre idei prin introducerea unei succesiuni logice (first/second/third/then/after that) sau prin marcarea concluziei (finally, in the end etc.). Propozitiile vor fi dezvoltate, uneori legate in fraze in special cu subordonate temporale introduce in general prin when, completive directe, introduse prin that, propozitii atributive cu who, which, that, propozitii cauzale cu because, si conditionale de tip 1 si 2 (viitor si conditional prezent) introduse prin if. In acest caz insa, erorile vor fi mai frecvente atat la nivelul corespondentei timpurilor (prezent si viitor dupa trecut), cat si al regulilor speciale legate de absenta viitorului in propozitiile temporale si conditionale. Ocazional, pot aparea si alte erori la prezentul simplu, persoana a III-a, forma a II-a a verbului, folosirea infinitivului lung dupa verbe modale ce-ar trebui urmate de infinitiv scurt, greseli de topica si prezenta ocazionala a subiectelor duble.

Vocabularul folosit va fi unul de mare frecventa cu unele erori de pronuntie care insa nu fac discursul neinteligibil. De asemenea, e posibil sa cada in capcana false friends, folosind cuvinte ca gymnasium, actually, eventually cu sensul din limba romana.

Nivelul 2 depinde si de modul de indeplinire a sarcinilor, a cerintelor formulate de examinator pentru fiecare subiect in parte. Acest lucru se refera si la respectarea cerintei propriu-zise si a duratei ( 30 de secunde pentru pregatirea naratiunii, descrierii, comparatiei si 3 minute pentru realizarea lor sau 1 si jumatate pentru realizarea instructiunilor si 3 minute jumatate pentru dialogul situational.)

Astfel, fiecare candidat va avea o fisa de apreciere care va indica performanta lui in timpul examinarii (vezi Introducerea). Pentru a obtine nivelul 2, examinatorii trebuie sa bifeze cel putin trei casute corespunzatoare nivelului 2.

3.2. Metodologia

De un interviu cu subiecte de nivel 2 beneficiaza atat cei care au obtinut la ALCPT sub 74% (nivel 1-2), cat si cei care au obtinut intre 75-100% (nivel 2-3).

Orice interviu debuteaza cu un salut si cateva intrebari generale care ajuta persoana intervievata sa treaca peste problemele inerente oricarui examen oral. Durata este de 2,5 minute, iar intrebarile pot fi de tipul:

How are you today?

Where are you coming from?

What's your job?

De asemenea, partea finala a interviului contine o scurta conversatie despre planurile de viitor ale candidatului, durata fiind de 1,5 minute. Aceste doua etape nu se evalueaza.

Interviul propriu-zis se realizeaza in mai multe etape necesare pentru stabilirea nivelului.

1. Primul pas este aflarea nivelului de lucru initial care va putea fi ridicat sau coborat in timpul testarii in functie de reactia si raspunsul examinatului la diferitele tipuri de subiecte. In acest caz se poate folosi naratiune in trecut si descriere de persoana sau de loc.

e.g. People usually prefer to spend their weekend somewhere where they can enjoy the nice scenery and fresh air. Describe one of the weekends you spent outside town.

2. Urmatorul pas este verificarea nivelului de lucru pentru a confirma posibilitatea persoanei examinate de a indeplini cerintele nivelului 2. Din lista de subiecte se poate alege de exemplu compararea a doua persoane/locuri/situatii care va fi introdusa dupa cum urmeaza:

e.g. Your town has probably got through a period of changes since 1989. Speak about the similarities and differences between your town now and your town before 1989.

3. Urmeaza verificare potentialului nivelului urmator, in acest caz nivelul 3, prin introducerea unei situatii ipotetice, monolog pe o tema obisnuita sau prin solicitarea opiniei intr-un caz anume. Aceste subiecte pot fi introduse in felul urmator:

e.g. The cutting edge of science has enabled doctors to prolong human life beyond the death of the brain. This situation may lead to grave problems both legal and emotional. Families might be forced into a war over either keeping the loved ones in a vegetative state or unhooking their respirator. What do you think should be done in order to avoid these cases getting out of hand? Give 2-3 reasons to support your opinion.

4. Ultimul pas este legat de incapacitatea subiectului de a sustine subiecte de nivel superior. Desigur ca in cazul in care vorbitorul are nivelul 2, acesta nu va putea trata subiectele folosind structurile gramaticale si vocabularul nivelului 3, iar prezentarea sa bazata pe cuvinte simple, de mare frecventa, cu erori ocazionale va arata ca persoana evaluata nu va putea atinge nivelul 3. Evaluatorul va reveni atunci la subiecte de nivel 2, la dialogul situational si instructiuni.

Partea centrala a unui interviu dureaza in jur de 30 de minute, iar in cadrul ei se pot folosi maxim 5 subiecte diferite.

3.3. Tipuri de subiecte

naratiune la timpul trecut si descriere de persoana/loc

compararea a doua locuri/persoane/situatii

instructiuni sau directii

dialog situational

3.3.1. Observatii asupra modelelor de testare

In cazul in care candidatul a obtinut un punctaj de pana la 74% la ALCPT, interviul va debuta cu o suita de 4-5 intrebari la prezent care vor avea ca scop verificarea nivelului 1. In cazul in care acesta dovedeste cunostinte superioare, se va trece la subiecte de nivel 2, respectiv naratiune/descriere de persoana, comparatia a doua locuri, persoane, situatii, instructiuni si dialog situational. Primele doua exemple de interviu se refera la protocolul pentru nivelurile 1-2, iar celelalte trei, la protocolul de 2-3.

3.3.2. Varianta 1

1. Warm-up - format dintr-o suita de intrebari la prezent sau trecut indica daca interviul va debuta la nivelul 1 sau 2.

(How are you today?)

"Very well thank you. I'm a little tired because I woke up quite early."

(Why did you have to wake up so early?)

" I'm not from Bucharest and I came by bus. Unfortunately, it left at 3 o'clock in the morning.'

(This is quite tiring. Couldn't you come by train?)

"No, because it left even earlier."

(Do you always take the bus when you come to Bucharest?)

'Yes, I have to. Luckily, I come here just once or twice a year. Sometimes I don't need to take the bus because I find somebody to give me a lift."

2.     Naratiune la trecut sau descriere de persoana

(People usually prefer to spend their week-end somewhere where they can enjoy the nice scenery and fresh air. Where do you usually go at weekends?)

"It depends. Sometimes I go with my family outside town for a barbeque and if the weather is bad, I stay at home."

(Can you describe one of the best weekends you spent outside town giving us information about the place you went to? You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

"Yes, last year, in spring, I spent a weekend with some friends at their villa in Sinaia. They invited us because it was their wedding anniversary. They have an old house on Furnica and we arrived there quite early on Sunday morning. They had arrived there the day before to clean the house and to prepare the meat for the grill. They celebrated their 10th anniversary and they were very excited about the event.

On the first day, we had a nice walk up the mountains and we enjoyed the fresh air. The sky was cloudy but it didn't rain. Around noon, the sky cleared so we had lunch in the garden because the weather was sunny. Together with my friends we put the meat and the vegetables on the grill. We ate pork chops and chicken legs with cabbage salad and we drank beer and white wine. In the evening, we had another party where we ate, we danced and we had a great time. We wished our friends happy anniversary. The next day we slept until 10 o'clock and then we had another walk in the forest. At about 11, we went back home. We had a great time and we decided to meet again."

(Interviul va continua cu o descriere de oras sau cu una de persoana. Ca exemplu se va descrie orasul Sinaia si unul din prietenii care au participat la aniversare. In timpul interviului STANAG, se va cere numai una din descrieri, fie de persoana sau de loc.)

"Sinaia is a small resort in the mountains. It is an old town, with nice houses and interesting architecture. It has been a resort for more than a hundred years. It is well known in Romania because of its location and because of the opportunities it offers both in summer and winter.

The town was built on the mountain slops and many of its hotels overlook either the mountains or the river Prahova. Except for the main street, the other streets are narrow and winding. In summer, those who like walking can go up the mountains and in winter, they can go skiing or snowboarding. One who enjoys a nice view can take the cable car and go directly to 1400 m or further to 2000 m.

In spring and autumn the weather is cold and wet.

(Descrierea de persoana poate inlocui naratiunea la trecut.)

"Matei is one of my closest friends who also came to Sinaia. We have been friends for a long time. We first met when we were in military school. Then he helped me a lot and supported me when I needed. He is tall, well built, with dark complexion. He is blue-eyed and dark-haired. He is very talkative, friendly and he enjoys being in the middle of large crowds. He is interested in many things and he has a lot of hobbies. He is also very hard working and he is always there for me. I appreciate him because he loves his family and he does everything for them. He's both a good father, husband and a good friend."

3. Urmatoarea proba se refera la compararea a doua lucruri/persone/situatii

(Compare the apartment you live now to the house you lived when you were a child. Include one of the following points: the size of the house and the facilities.

You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

"When I was a child, I lived in a large 4-room apartment. It was located far from the center, but luckily my school was close to it. We had a large hall, two bedrooms, a living room, a small kitchen and two bathrooms. The apartment had nice furniture, a bookcase in the living room, two beds with night tables in the bedrooms, nice white cupboards in the kitchen and of course, some tables, chairs and carpets. Unfortunately, we had just one T.V. and no computer. Now, I live in a 2-room apartment. It is smaller than the other but I have modern furniture and a lot of appliances in the kitchen. I have a modern cooker, a brand new fridge, a microwave oven, a washing machine and a small T.V. We have two other T.V. sets, one in the living room and the other in the bedroom. I also have a computer on the desk in the bedroom. I like my apartment because it is sunny and it overlooks a small park. When the weather is nice, I drink my coffee on the balcony."

4. Instructiuni/directii

(Please, tell me step by step how to make an omelet for breakfast.)

"First, I take three eggs from the fridge. I break them in a bowl; I whisk them and mix them with cheese and bacon. I also add some salt and pepper. I put a pan on the cooker and pour some oil on it. After that, I wait until the oil is hot and I pour the mixture on the pan. I fry it for five minutes and I put it on a plate.

5. Dialog situational

(You went to a restaurant and ordered pork steak and French fries. Your bill was brought by another waiter and when you read it you noticed that it had been over-charged. Ask the waiter three or four questions about the bill.

The examiner will play the role of the waiter. The examiner will start the conversation. You have 3 ½ minutes to perform the task.)

(Sir, here is your bill.)

"Thank you. Let me have a look. I see there is a problem in here. I have ordered steak and potatoes, not fish and chips and ice cream. What happened?)

(I don't know, sir. This is the bill I was given. I don't think there is anything wrong with it.)

"I was served by another waiter and I'm sure he knows what I ordered. Where is he?)

(Unfortunately, he had to leave so he will be unable to come.)

"Do you think you can solve this problem? I definitely didn't order fish and chips and I should pay more according to this bill."

(Let me go and talk to the manager to see what I can do.)

"Yes, please. I won't pay somebody else's order. It is not my first time here and I've always been satisfied with both your staff and food. I would be very disappointed to go somewhere else. Your restaurant is close to my working place and I like to come here.

(I know, sir. I'll do my best to help you.)

(The waiter comes back. I have talked with the manager and he apologizes for the misunderstanding. I've brought you another bill.)

"I'm glad we've solved the problem. Let me see. Yes, this is my bill. Can I use my credit card?"

(Yes, of course.)

"Thank you for your help."

(Thank you and come again. Good-bye.)


3.3.3. Varianta 2

1.     Warm-up

(When did you wake up today?)

"I woke up quite early because I had to be here on time."

(How did you come here in the morning?)

"I came here by car but the road was very crowded."

Candidatul cunoaste Past Tense asa ca se trece direct la subiectele de nivel 2.

2.     Naratiune la trecut sau descriere de persoana

(Like any of us, you have probably had a life full of events. Was there any that impressed you the most?)

"Yes, I remember when I first met my girl friend who later became my wife."

(Can you tell us more about this, including some information about the place you met and about the occasion? You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

"This happened ten years ago when I was a student at the Technical Military Academy. One day someone invited me to go to a party. It took place on Saturday evening and I remember I went there quite late. I had to meet one of my friends in the city because I didn't know the address. The party was in a large apartment, somewhere not far from the center. We arrived there after 11. We saw some people dancing in the living room and others eating and discussing in the kitchen. My friend went to talk with the host but I went to dance. When I got into the living room I immediately saw my future wife who was sitting in a corner. She was very pretty so I invited her to dance with me. After that, we started talking and I noticed that she was very funny. Soon we discovered that we liked the same things so we started dating and finally we got married."

3.     Comparatia a doua persoane/situatii/lucruri

(Compare the car you have now to your first car. Speak about the similarities and the differences. Include the following points: brand and capabilities. You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

"I think cars are very useful nowadays. I bought my first car when I was 25. It was an old Dacia 1300 from 1976. It was quite large and I was very proud of it. It didn't have airbags, a stereo, air conditioning or any other new gadget. It was white, a little rusty and I remember I had to repair it quite often. I couldn't drive it with more than 80 km/h, and it wasn't very safe to be in. Last year I bought a brand new Dacia Logan and I sold my old car. My car is red, shiny and very modern. I like its design and I feel very safe in it. It has a stereo, airbags and air conditioning. I like to listen to music when I drive. I keep my CD's in my glove compartment. I use it when I go shopping and when I go on holiday with my family. I like it very much and I think I couldn't live without it."

4.     Instructiuni

(Please, tell my step by step how to replace a light bulb.)

"First I go and buy the bulb I need.

Then I go home and turn off the lights.

I take a chair from the kitchen and I put it in place.

Next, I remove the old bulb and put it in my pocket or give it to my wife

I put the new bulb and then I ask someone to turn on the lights to see if it works.

If it does, I climb down and take the chair back to the kitchen."

5.     Dialog situational

(You have a headache and your nose is running. You make an appointment, go to the doctor, but unfortunately he isn't there. Talk to the nurse and try to solve the problem. Ask her 3 or 4 questions.

The examiner will play the role of the nurse. The examiner will start the conversation. You have 3 ½ minutes for this task.)

(Good morning. What can I do for you?)

"My name is ...I came to see dr. Brown and I have an appointment for today at 10."

(I'm sorry but the doctor has been unable to come today.)

"I'm sorry to hear that because I feel dizzy. I also have a runny nose and a headache. I need to see a doctor. What should I do?"

(Dr. Brown has instructed me to send all his patients to dr. Smith.)

"I'm glad to hear this. Where can I find dr. Smith?"

(His office is in this building, just that you should take the elevator to the 3rd floor. You can also take the stairs on the right.)

"I'll probably take the elevator because I feel sick. Can I go there right now or should I make another appointment?"

(You can go right now and I'll call him to let him know you're coming."

"Thank you very much. I have a very unpleasant cold. I couldn't sleep last night because of my headache and now I feel quite tired."

(I'm sure he'll help you, as he's a very good doctor. Don't worry.)

"Thank you for your kindness. Good-bye."

(I apologize for the trouble we have caused you. Good-bye.)

3.3.4. Varianta 3

1. Naratiune la trecut sau descriere

(After working hard all year, people look forward to going on holiday.)

"Yes, I also like my holidays even if I haven't got one for a long time."

(Tell me what you did on your best holiday ever and describe one person you were with or met there or places you visited and impressed you the most.

You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

"My best holiday ever was when I was 12 years old and I went with my parents to Saturn, a seaside resort. We left quite early in the morning and my father drove all day. We stopped in Constanza for half an hour but then we went on. We accommodated at a small yet modern hotel by the sea. Our room was pretty large and it overlooked the sea. In the morning we would go to the beach to get a suntan and to swim. As it was my first time I had ever seen the sea, I was overwhelmed by its intense color and by the shimmering electric lights it mirrored after the sunset. I remember meeting a lot of children and playing with the waves. Later on, in the evening, we would find a nice restaurant, eat one of the local specialties and chat and laugh a lot. I can tell you that fish is my favorite and that I ate a lot of it in that period. My parents also took me to Constanza where I was impressed with the Planetarium because, at the time, I was keen on astrology, as probably all children are at a certain point.

I especially remember one morning when I woke up before the sunrise and I witnessed the moment when the ingot of the sun rose gradually from the sea.

I don't know if this could really be described as a great holiday because later I went to more exotic locations, but this is what I've always felt about it."

2. Sustinerea unei opinii. Deoarece candidatul a dovedit cunostinte superioare de vocabular si gramatica, se va trece la verificarea urmatorului nivel subiect ales fiind de nivel 3.

(The cutting edge of science has enabled doctors to prolong human life beyond the death of the brain. This situation may lead to grave problems both legal and emotional. Families might be forced into a war over either keeping the loved ones in a vegetative state or unhooking their respirator. What do you think should be done in order to avoid these cases getting out of hand? Give 2-3 reasons to support your opinion.

What is your position on this issue? You should give us two or three reasons to support your opinion.

You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

" I think that science has developed so much in the last 50 year that sometimes it has begun to cause problems especially connected to human life. There are so many things that are hard to understand and they take time until someone manages to solve them. I think this is a very difficult moment in everybody's life because it involves somebody you love. I have never been in such a position but I think doctors should ask the family if they want to have their relative on a respirator. When people die their family inherits their goods but when someone is half dead there might be problems. On the other hand, it is difficult when you have someone in hospital and you know that person will never recover.

However, legislators should also consider these cases and give laws that will help people when they have problems like these. I know it was a case in the US when the members of a family fought in court because their daughter was in coma and their sun in law wanted to unhook her respirator. I think this is terrible.

In addition, from a religious point of view, you are not allowed to kill someone who is alive even if that person's brain is not functional. I don't think we have many cases like this in Romania and that's why we are not really prepared for them. To avoid such cases we should have some law that protect the people who are in coma. People should also let their family know and write down whether they want to be resuscitated and be put on a respirator or they want to be left to die."

(Deoarece candidatul nu poseda vocabular si gramatica de nivel trei, urmatorul subiect va fi de nivel 2)

3.     Comparatie/Contrast

(Compare your life now to your life 15 years ago. Speak about the similarities and the differences. Include information about the advantages and disadvantages of both periods. You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

"Fifteen years ago I was a student. I didn't have a very difficult life but as it was before 1989, there were a lot of things I lacked. I liked reading and I couldn't find books or those I found were old. I also didn't have how to get informed except for going to the library because there was no Internet and no documentaries on TV. The national television used to broadcast only two hours a day and there was nothing interesting to watch. I also had problems with finding food and I had to stand in line for hours to buy meat or cheese. On the other hand, there were also some good things. The salaries were enough, the prices were not high and everybody could have a house, a car and some appliances. Nowadays, I can find books everywhere but unfortunately they are very expensive. I have a computer and Internet and I can get informed easily. I also watch some TV channels, especially Discovery and Animal Planet where I find out useful information. I find many things to buy even if sometimes I don't have enough money to buy them. A bad thing is that apartments are very expensive and sometimes you need a lot of money to make a loan. Sometimes I have to work a lot to earn some money."

4. Instructiuni/directii

(Tell me step by step how you change the tire when you have a puncture.)

"First, I stop the car, I get out of it and I look at the tire.

Then, I open the trunk and I take out the jack and a wrench.

I also take out the spare tire.

After that, I place the jack under the car and I lift it on the jack.

I take the cap out.

I take the wrench and I use it to loosen the nuts.

I replace the tire with the spare one and next, I put the nuts back and I tighten them with the wrench.

In the end, I use the jack to lower the car and I put all my tools back in my trunk

5. Dialog situational - vezi dialogul situational de la varianta 2.

3.3.5. Varianta 4

Interviul debuteaza ca in cazul variantei 3 cu naratiune la trecut in cadrul careia candidatul dovedeste ca poseda cunostinte superioare. De aceea urmatorul subiect va fi (la fel ca la varianta 3) sustinerea unei opinii. De data aceasta si acest subiect este tratat cu destula acuratete, candidatul dovedind a avea gandire abstracta (vezi ca exemplu exprimarea opiniei, Capitolul 4). Urmeaza o alta sondare a nivelului 3 si anume monologul pe o tema obisnuita. Candidatul nu reuseste sa trateze acest subiect la nivelul 3, asa ca la urmatoarele doua subiecte se va reveni la nivelul 2, la instructiuni si dialog situational (vezi varianta 2, punctele 4 si 5).

Vom da ca exemplu monologul pe o tema obisnuita pe care candidatul nu reuseste sa-l trateze de nivel 3.

Monolog pe tema obisnuita

(You have been invited to one of your best friends' birthday party. You all sit round the table and have a lot of fun. At a certain moment, someone asks you to give a speech. Give a thank-you speech.

You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

"I am glad to be here with all my friend around. I am happy I was invited to my friend John's birthday as this marks a very long friendship. We have known each other for more than 20 years, in fact we lived in the same building and we played together when we were children. Then, we went to school and we were still inseparable for many years. After our graduation, we kept in touch and after we got married we spent our holidays together. Suddenly, John went to work in another town and we haven't seen him for two years. I think this occasion is very important because it has brought us back together. So, I wish him a long and happy life and I hope we will be still together when he celebrates his 80th birthday."

3.3.6. Varianta 5

Variantele 4 si 5 se aseamana pentru ca la amandoua se sondeaza nivelul 3, desi candidatul nu va obtine acest nivel.

Primul subiect va fi tot naratiunea la trecut sau descrierea de persoana, tratate pe nivel 3 (exemplu naratiunea de la versiunea 3). Urmeaza prima sondare a nivelului 3 - sustinerea unei opinii, care va fi realizata destul de bine pentru a cere o noua sondare (vezi exemplul de exprimare a opiniei din Capitolul 4). Urmeaza monologul pe tema data, prezentat si acesta destul de bine pentru a necesita si in continuare subiecte de nivel 3 (vezi monologul din Capitolul 4). Al patrulea pas il reprezinta dialogul situational in care candidatul face anumite greseli (spre exemplu ofera o solutie, dar nu o negociaza), lucru care ridica semne de intrebare asupra nivelului sau final. Totusi, se continua cu un ultim subiect de nivel 3 si anume - monologul pe tema ipotetica, pe care candidatul nu reuseste sa-l abordeze de nivel 3, nefolosind propozitia conditionala 3.

Monolog ipotetic

(Octavian Bellu is a gymnastics coach with a world-wide reputation. Recently he has been accused of taking money from gymnasts after they had won international competitions. Had you been one of the judges on this case, what decision would you have made in order to solve the situation and ensure a continuation of the steam of victories?

You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to answer the task.)

"I have heard about this case and I think that in spite of the fact that it is not legal to take money from the people you teach, he should not be punished so severely. He is one of the best coaches in Romania and if he quits, it won't be very good for our national team. I don't know what a real judge might say, but probably I would give him a fine and I would try to stop any further cases like that. I would say that it is important to go back and continue teaching the young girls so that they can get more victories. I would tell him that I know he is not paid enough but this doesn't allow him to take money from the others because this is illegal. Probably, I would make him give the money back he has taken and I would finally close the case."



4.1. Descriptori de nivel

Nivelul 3 STANAG, poate pe nedrept caracterizat drept "minim profesional" pentru cei care sunt ceea ce examinatorii si profesorii de limba engleza din invatamantul militar numesc "un 3 solid", descrie astfel abilitatile de a vorbi limba engleza ale celui ce poate obtine nivelul 3 la deprinderea VORBIT:

Poate participa eficient la majoritatea conversatiilor formale si informale pe teme practice, sociale si profesionale. Poate aborda cu foarte mare usurinta subiecte de interes particular sau din domenii de competenta speciala. Poate utiliza limbajul in scopul realizarii unor sarcini profesionale, cum ar fi: sa raspunda la obiectii, sa clarifice aspecte, sa justifice anumite decizii, sa raspunda la polemici, sa-si sustina punctul de vedere si sa-si apere opiniile. Poate sa demonstreze competenta lingvistica in momentul in care conduce intruniri, face informari sau alte forme de monolog ample si elaborate, emite ipoteze si face fata subiectelor si situatiilor nefamiliare. Poate sa solicite in mod eficient informatii si opinii argumentate din partea vorbitorilor nativi. Poate sa redea concepte abstracte in discutiile pe teme din domenii cum ar fi cel economic, cel cultural, stiintific, tehnic, filosofic, precum si din domeniul propriu de activitate. Realizeaza discursuri ample si reda mesajul global intr-un mod corect si eficient. Utilizarea mecanismelor structurale este flexibila si elaborata. Se exprima intr-un mod adecvat, in functie de situatia prezentata. Fara sa-si caute cuvintele sau expresiile, poate folosi limbajul intr-un mod corect si relativ natural, poate elabora enunturi de o maniera libera, reusind sa-si faca ideile intelese de catre vorbitorii nativi. Este posibil sa nu inteleaga unele referinte culturale, proverbe si aluzii, precum si utilizarea nuantelor si a unor expresii idiomatice, insa poate sa remodeleze conversatia cu foarte mare usurinta. Este posibil ca pronuntia sa fie in mod evident straina. Se pot inregistra greseli in utilizarea structurilor complexe cu arie restransa de folosire sau care apartin stilului formal de vorbire. Cu toate acestea, eventualele greseli de pronuntie, gramatica sau vocabular nu sunt atat da grave incat sa distorsioneze mesajul global si rareori il deranjeaza pe vorbitorul nativ.

4.2. Metodologia

Metodologia in vigoare la ora actuala in cadrul protocolului de testare a deprinderii VORBIT pe scala STANAG 6001 prevede pentru nivelul 3 o singura varianta.

Tipurile de subiecte incluse in aceasta varianta sunt (in ordinea aceasta):

1.     o scurta discutie privitoare la starea in care se afla candidatul la inceputul interviului, la programul sau din ziua respectiva, la evenimentele produse de curand in viata sa, la locul sau de munca sau la familia sa (aceasta parte nu se evalueaza - vezi "Introducerea"; de aceea nu o vom include nici in subcapitolul urmator) - durata: circa 2,30 minute;

2.     o naratiune (relatare) la timpul trecut insotita de descrierea unui loc vizitat in timpul desfasurarii actiunii la care se face referire sau de descrierea unei persoane care a luat parte la acea actiune - durata: 30 de secunde pentru pregatire si 3 minute pentru abordarea probei in sine;

3.     sustinerea unei opinii pe o tema data pe care o citeste un membru al comisiei si care poate fi citita si de catre candidat de pe un cartonas ce ii este inmanat acestuia din urma inainte de inceperea probei - durata: 30 de secunde pentru pregatire si 3,30 minute pentru abordarea probei in sine;

4.          un monolog pe o tema obisnuita pe care o citeste un membru al comisiei si care poate fi citita si de catre candidat de pe un cartonas ce ii este inmanat acestuia din urma inainte de inceperea probei - durata: 30 de secunde pentru pregatire si 3 minute pentru abordarea probei in sine;

5.          un dialog situational - situatia este citita de catre un membru al comisiei, dar ea poate fi citita si de catre candidat de pe un cartonas ce ii este inmanat acestuia din urma inainte de inceperea probei - durata: 5 minute;

6.          un monolog pe o tema ipotetica pe care o citeste un membru al comisiei si care poate fi citita si de catre candidat de pe un cartonas ce ii este inmanat acestuia din urma inainte de inceperea probei - durata: 30 de secunde pentru pregatire si 3 minute pentru abordarea probei in sine;

7.          o scurta conversatie de final de interviu despre planurile personale ale candidatului in viitorul apropiat (aceasta parte nu se evalueaza - vezi "Introducerea"; de aceea nu o vom include nici in subcapitolul urmator) - durata: circa 1,30 minute.

Dupa cum se poate observa in paragrafele de mai sus, probe de nivelul 3 sunt numai cele de la punctele 3, 4, 5 si 6. Punctele 1 si 7 reprezinta parti firesti si obligatorii ale oricarui dialog (introducerea si respectiv incheierea), iar proba de la punctul 2 este una de nivel 2, obligatorie in cadrul protocolului nostru, avand in vedere ca evaluarea incepe abia odata cu proba numarul 2, iar testele noastre sunt bi-nivel. Nu se poate sti aprioric daca un candidat va fi evaluat ca avand abilitati pe nivelul 2 sau pe nivelul 3 STANAG. Stim doar ca scorul obtinut de catre candidat la testul de plasament (75 - 100%) recomanda aplicarea unui protocol de nivel 2 - 3 (adica cel descris mai sus). Testul de plasament este un instrument orientativ, nu unul infailibil, el nu da nici un fel de date despre aptitudinile candidatului de a vorbi limba engleza. Ca atare, numai datele obtinute de comisie ca urmare a parcurgerii probelor de la punctul 2 pana la punctul 6 pot permite comisiei o evaluare pertinenta. Totusi, trebuie remarcat, in ceea ce priveste proba de la punctul 2, ca o persoana ale carei abilitati de a vorbi engleza conform descriptorilor de nivel 3 STANAG va aborda o naratiune si o descriere intr-o maniera diferita de cea in care le abordeaza cineva la nivelul 2 pe aceeasi scala.

In subcapitolul urmator, vom prezenta un interviu virtual, asa cum poate decurge el pentru a se evalua nivelul 3. Mentionam ca vom prezenta o varianta lipsita de greseli gramaticale sau de vocabular (cele de pronuntie nici nu pot fi redate pe acest suport), dar ele pot aparea in cadrul unui interviu real, in limitele descriptorilor de nivel 3 STANAG, pe care ii puteti consulta in subcapitolul anterior al lucrarii (4.1.).

4.3. Tipuri de subiecte

naratiune la timpul trecut si descriere de persoana/loc;

- sustinerea unei opinii pe o tema data;

- monolog pe o tema obisnuita;

- dialog situational;

- monolog pe o tema ipotetica.

4.3.1. Naratiune la timpul trecut si descriere de persoana/loc

(Military people participate in many missions, some of which are abroad. Have you ever taken part in such a mission?)

"Yes, I have. Actually, it was a military course that I attended in the United States some years ago."

(Can you tell us what your daily schedule was there and also describe one of the persons you met on that occasion/describe a place that you visited and that impressed you most?

You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

"Of course I can. I visited the States 4 years ago when I was sent to 6-month training course in Atlanta. I remember my first impression of the U.S.A.: I was tired as a result of the long flight hours, it was extremely hot and humid when we landed, the airport was humming with people like a bee-hive and I thought to myself that America was really ugly. Things looked a lot better the next day in the morning when I woke up after a good night's sleep, the air seemed more breathable, people proved to be friendly and willing to help, and consequently my perception changed.

However, those were probably the longest 6 months of my life, but they turned out to be an extremely profitable experience for my career and an enriching period all in all.

We had courses from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, with an hour break for lunch at about 12. From 4 p.m. to 6 p.m., on some of the days, we had drills, observation visits to certain other classes, or workshops.

It was a tough job attending that course and living on that base near Atlanta, but the highlight of my stay in the States was a week-holiday that we were granted at mid-course which I decided to spend in the city of Atlanta, more exactly in Ansley Park, at some friends' place."

[In acest moment, candidatul trebuie fie sa descrie Ansley Park, fie sa descrie pe unul dintre colegii sai de curs. Vom reda ambele variante, desi intr-un interviu real una singura dintre cele doua descrieri va fi solicitata, dupa cum prefera candidatul, in cazul in care subiectul nu specifica exact ce gen de descriere se doreste sa realizeze candidatul. Vom incepe cu descrierea de loc.]

"Ansley Park is an area in midtown. Long ago, I was told by some inhabitants, it was considered suburban. That was before the developers decided midtown would be a nice place to stack their high-rise office towers. Somehow, though, the neighborhood has managed to retain an aura of green tranquility. The roads there are wide and pleasantly curving, with houses set back away from the street, their wide lawns blanketed with ivy beneath towering oak trees.

My hosts' house was on the Prado, the most prestigious street in the neighborhood. It was a gray clapboard Dutch Colonial, with cute little eyebrow windows up near the roofline, giving the house a look of bemused surprise.

When I first set foot on that street, in late November, I suddenly got soaked into the atmosphere. Autumn had decided to linger that year. Leaves from a big oak tree fluttered silently down around me. The grass and shrubbery were covered with little brown oak leaves, splashy red maple leaves, and the brilliant yellow slash of ginkgo leaves.

Ansley Park is a gorgeous place, believe me; I spent there the most wonderful week of my life, hadn't it been for my family to be so far away from me. But I shall never forget the palatable behavior of the people who lived there. My host and hostess, actually close friends of my brother's, as well as their neighbors were ever so eager to help, direct me around the city, show me through the neighborhood, take me out to museums, theatres and restaurants that I'll always cherish their memory deep down in my heart.

Even now, we still e-mail one another and send greeting cards on important events. They are such great people! I wish I had met only such people in my life!"

[Descriere de persoana]

"My closest mate during the course was another Romanian officer whom, by chance, I have known for years, George. It would be a pleasure for me to talk about him further. He was not only my most reliable mate there, but he has always been the closest friend of mine.

What impresses everyone about George when they first see him is his physical appearance. He is quite tall, almost 2 meters tall, he's got big blue eyes, curly black hair, a fair complexion though, and a round mouth - like the one of a spoiled, moody boy. Nevertheless, his firm chin indicates from the very first sight his determination in everything he does. Although resolute, his voice always keeps low and calm, he looks people in the eye when he speaks to them, usually smiling. Probably that's why, among other things, I consider him a good, true friend. I'm saying this also because he always does his best to help me, as well as everyone in need around him. He has helped me on many occasions, with office issues, of course, the case has never occurred for him to help me with my personal life; but I have always appreciated his assistance and expertise with our mutual projects. Actually, George is a very effectual officer, a skillful team coordinator, and last but not least, an extremely hardworking person."

4.3.2. Sustinerea unei opinii

(Advances in the field of genetic engineering have made it possible to clone not only plants and animals, but also human beings. There are no official reports to this moment that humans have been cloned, but technological developments can definitely provide the basis for this, and rumor has it that such cloning procedures were used on people on board ships in the international waters. Some people strongly condemn the very procedure, whether or not it was performed on humans, others consider it the chance our species needed for surviving the coming centuries.

What is your position on this issue? You should give us two or three reasons to support your opinion.

You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task.)

"I have always admired and was in favor of scientists' endeavor to discover new resources in any field of science and technology, and I have been fascinated to discover how amazingly useful and intelligent some technological breakthroughs are ever since I remember myself (starting with the common place radio, when I was a kid). Nevertheless, as I have just said, I only consider useful and beneficial for mankind some of these discoveries, although I should add: most of them, for a good number have never turned to good account or served mankind as they should have. I believe that the procedure of cloning doesn't fall in either of the categories mentioned so far, being neither entirely useful, nor totally useless.

It belongs, thus, in my opinion, to a third category, being neither vital, nor derisory, but of an utmost immorality. It appears to be of some use, according to its inventors and supporters, and we should probably give them credit on that, in the field of transplanting, supplying a hundred percent compatible tissue and organs. But we have to look carefully down into how moral such a thing might be! Because, in simple, comprehensible terms, this means duplicating a human being for the very purpose of, if necessary, killing him or her to provide organs (let's say heart or brain) and tissues for transplantation.

Well, at this point, the question may arise if we are gods, or at least allowed to play God, to create human beings (for a clone is a human being, since it is a duplicate of a man or woman!) and kill that creature later. I think that this is exclusively a "prerogative" that God has.

Apart from the religious perspective, there are other points to be considered, such as: where are we supposed to keep the clones until they become "useful" for medicine?, what would we feed them on, as there is not enough food for the entire population of the globe as it is?, should we give them the food that would help fighting against malnutrition in Africa or parts of Asia among children born naturally, by God's will?, are we supposed to treat our clones as our children, as our lovers, as ourselves or as our pets?, should they be educated and sent to school? I cannot find a definite and reasonable answer to all of these questions or to many other questions related to this issue. I feel there is no hope in this area for us and I think we should invest this great deal of mental effort in a better, more moral and less controversial cause than cloning.

4.3.3. Monolog pe o tema obisnuita

(You have just been appointed to a leading position to NATO headquarters in Brussels. You are now attending the formal meeting in which this promotion has been announced. Your former commanding officer asks you to hold a speech on this occasion in front of your fellow-officers and chiefs of structures in your department.

You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform the task)

"Colonel, sir, dear colleagues and - I dare say - dear friends, we have gathered here today to talk about some changes in our department. Listening carefully to all of the pieces of information concerning these changes, I had the feeling that things have radically turned for the better for our structure, and I was glad to consider myself part of this process of renewal that we, as a team, have been preparing for since our acceptance into NATO. It is sad for me to find out that I will no longer be an active factor of implementing the new working formula here, in our department. But I feel honored and proud that I was the one to be chosen for such an important appointment abroad. I honestly consider, without false modesty, that any of us here would have been equally suitable for this position within the NATO headquarters in Brussels. But, since I have been chosen, I am making a pledge to do my best there and prove the capacity, diligence, expertise and trustworthy values of good Romanian officers that I have forged in myself here, in this wonderful team, and to help my country and our armed forces to the best of my powers.

At the same time, I know that nothing and nobody is forever, and I want everybody here to know that I will ask to be sent back to this department the minute my mission there is over.

Thank you very much for all of your trust in me; I only hope I will be good enough to prove you were right to send me on such an important mission."

4.3.4. Dialog situational

(You are at a course abroad in an English-speaking country. You have rented an apartment in a residential area because your family is expected to join you soon. A week after you moved, you discovered that things kept disappearing from your apartment. Go to the landlord/landlady and talk to him or her about this situation. The examiner will play the role of the landlord/landlady. The examiner will start the conversation.

We have 5 minutes to perform this task.)

(Hello, sir! Please come in and have a seat!)

"Hello, madam! Thank you very much!"

(Well, is there something I can do for you?)

"Actually, I think there is, or at least I hope you will be able to help me on a very delicate issue, I would call it."

(What has happened? I hope you're O.K.!)

"Not quite so, unfortunately! Otherwise I shouldn't have come to you. The fact is, you see, that I moved here only two weeks ago, but for a week now some of my belongings have disappeared. And I don't really know what to do."

(And how am I supposed to help you?)

"Well, first of all, I would like to know if you have definite intentions to help me, because I consider that in your position you're the only person who can sort things out under such circumstances. And I strongly consider that you should handle all problems that your tenants are confronted with in this building."

(I completely agree with you, and I assure you I take my responsibilities very seriously, but I still don't see what exactly I can do to help you.)

"I guess you could discover who keeps robbing me in your building."

(I think this is a job for the police. Have you talked to the police?)

"In case I can't solve it talking to you, I will certainly resort to them. But I thought you should be the first one to be informed on what is going on in this building."

(Thank you very much for your concern regarding my position. But what is going on in my building and I don't know about?)

"Well, for one thing, I have been robbed. My wristwatch disappeared a week ago, and I haven't been able to find it ever since. My wallet can't be found for two days - thank God I didn't have my passport in it at the time! - and, early in the morning today, when I got back from my regular jogging hour, the wedding ring that I left by the bath tub was nowhere in sight, though I kept searching and searching. Now, what do you think I am supposed to do?"

(As I said, place a complaint with the police as soon as possible. Although I think I know who might have caused the problem. Last week, I hired a new maid for the west wing of the building. Is that the one where you rented your apartment?)

"Yes, it is. But if you consider fit, we can talk to the woman and see if we can take the stolen goods back from her, without calling the police. And, if you want you can fire her afterwards."

(No way! This would encourage her to rob other people further on. Let's call the police!)

"Fine! I think you're right. Thank you for helping me! Good-bye!"

(Good-bye, and wait for the police to call on you some time today; try to stay in for a while!)


4.3.5. Monolog pe o tema ipotetica

(Environmentalists such as the activists of Greenpeace and thousands of others have long been trying to stop pollution and convince the richest industrialists to change their attitude towards our environment all over the world. But industries invest large sums of money in exploitation, production and commerce and do not seem interested in the protection of the environment.

Which three things would you have focused your concern on if you had been the member of an NGO dealing with the issues in this realm?

You have 30 seconds to prepare and 3 minutes to perform this task.)

"I am very keenly aware of the ecological hazards that mankind and our civilization have created on earth. Therefore, I truly sympathize with the activity these NGOs perform. I, too, am very interested in environmental issues and I would like the idea of being the activist of a Romanian NGO similar to the international Greenpeace.

Had I been the member of an environmentalist group, I suppose my main and foremost concern would have been the highly polluting industries in certain areas of our country such as Copsa Mica.

As a first step taken in this direction, I would have organized counselling sessions with the inhabitants of the area, including the employees of that particular industry, trying to show them, with facts and figures and all other means available, how negative an influence its polluting outcome had on the community's life. I would have pointed out to them that they could find other jobs locally.

Probably, another measure would have been to picket the facility's gate, trying to initiate a dialogue with the employers as well, to approach the issues that I have just mentioned. I should also have collected signatures for a petition to hand in to the Government and to the Parliamentary commissions destined to regulate this issue.

Another point of interest for me as an NGO activist would definitely have been stopping deforestation, especially in the mountain area of our country.

And, I presume, a third concern may have been related to the protection of wildlife in the most endangered ecosystems of our country. I think that, when industries are developed and resources exploited, too little is being done or even thought about the ballance of our ecosystem which hosts wildlife. I would have organized round table talks with the representatives of the Ministry of Environment, the ones of the Ministry of Commerce and Industry, as well as public debates on TV and radio stations, presenting statistics and censuses on the situation of endangered species in our country."


1.     Standard militar administrativ, Niveluri de competenta lingvistica - nr. A6646 din 9.12.2003; (Statul Major General, Sectia tranzitie si integrare in NATO).

  1. Workshop on testing speaking and writing proficiency" Romania, September 2001, Defence Language Institute, ELC, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas, USA.
  2. Documentele de lucru ale seminarului "Perfectionarea modalitatilor conform STANAG 6001" Bucuresti, septembrie, 2004.