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Fundaluri si Culori
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URL afisat in fereastra <FRAME SRC='URL'>
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Continut fara ferestre <NOFRAMES></NOFRAMES> (pt. browser-e ce nu cunosc frame-uri)
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<div align='center'><font size='6' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><strong>The art known as GRAFFITI</strong></font></div>
<font size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><br />
   In this site I will present the beginnings of graffiti, the way how it evolved over time.<br>
   How a foot messenger with a great idea influenced the whole world. How something as simple as a signature on the wall could have a big impact.<br>
   Graffiti is the name for images or lettering scratched, scrawled, painted or marked in any manner on property. Graffiti is often regarded as unsightly damage or unwanted vandalism.<br>
   Graffiti has existed since ancient times, with examples going back to Ancient Greece and the Empire. Graffiti can be anything from simple scratch marks to elaborate wall paintings. In modern times, spray paint and markers have become the most commonly used materials. In most countries, defacing property with graffiti without the property owner's consent is considered vandalism, which is punishable by law.<br>
   Sometimes graffiti is employed to communicate social and political messages. To some, it is an art form worthy of display in galleries and exhibitions, to others it is merely vandalism. There are many different types and styles of graffiti and it is a rapidly evolving art form whose value is highly contested, being reviled by many authorities while also subject to protection, sometimes within the same jurisdiction.
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The roots
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<div align='center'><font size='6' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><strong>The roots of Graffiti</strong></font></div>
<font size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><br />
   Between the years of 1969-1974 the 'pioneering era' took place. During this time graffiti underwent a change in styles and popularity. Soon after the migration to NYC, the city produced one of the first graffiti artists to gain media attention in New York, TAKI 183. TAKI 183 was a youth from Washington Heights, Manhattan who worked as a foot messenger. His tag is a mixture of his name Demetrius (Demetraki), TAKI, and his street number, 183rd. Being a foot messenger, he was constantly on the subway and began to put up his tags along his travels. This spawned a 1971 article in the New York Times titled ''Taki 183' Spawns Pen Pals'. Julio 204 is also credited as an early writer, though not recognized at the time outside of the graffiti subculture. Other notable names from that time are: Stay High 149, Phase 2, Stitch 1, Joe 182, Junior 161 and Cay 161. Barbara 62 and Eva 62 were also important early graffiti artists in New York, and are the first women to become known for writing graffiti.<br>
   Also taking place during this era was the movement from outside on the city streets to the subways. Graffiti also saw its first seeds of competition around this time. The goal of most artists at this point was 'getting up': having as many tags and bombs in as many places as possible. Artists began to break into subway yards in order to hit as many trains as they could with a lower risk, often creating larger elaborate pieces of art along the subway car sides. This is when the act of bombing was said to be officially established.<br>
   By 1971 tags began to take on their signature calligraphic appearance because, due to the huge number of artists, each graffiti artist needed a way to distinguish themselves. Aside from the growing complexity and creativity, tags also began to grow in size and scale - for example, many artists had begun to increase letter size and line thickness, as well as outlining their tags. This gave birth to the so-called 'masterpiece' or 'piece' in 1972. Super Kool 223 is credited as being the first to do these pieces.<br>
   The use of designs such as polka dots, crosshatches, and checkers became increasingly popular. Spray paint use increased dramatically around this time as artists began to expand their work. 'Top-to-bottoms', works which span the entire height of a subway car, made their first appearance around this time as well. The overall creativity and artistic maturation of this time period did not go unnoticed by the mainstream - Hugo Martinez founded the United Graffiti Artists (UGA) in 1972. UGA consisted of many top graffiti artists of the time, and aimed to present graffiti in an art gallery setting. By 1974, graffiti artists had begun to incorporate the use of scenery and cartoon characters into their work.
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Modern graffiti
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<div align='center'><font size='5' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><strong>Modern Graffiti</strong></font></div>
<font size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><br />
   Graffiti is often seen as having become intertwined with hip hop culture as one of the four main elements of the culture (along with rapping, DJ-ing, and break dancing). However, there are many other instances of notable graffiti this century.<br>
   During World War II and for decades after, the phrase 'Kilroy was here' with accompanying illustration was widespread throughout the world, due to its use by American troops and its filtering into American popular culture. In the sixties, its popularity was eclipsed by American graffiti proclaiming that 'Yossarian lives!', a reference to the protagonist of Joseph Heller's novel, Catch-22. The student protests and general strike of May 1968 saw Paris bedecked in revolutionary, anarchist, and situationist slogans such as L'ennui est contre-révolutionnaire ('Boredom is counterrevolutionary') .A famous graffiti of the 20th century was the inscription in the London subway reading 'Clapton is God'. The phrase was spray-painted by an admirer on a wall in an Islington Underground station in the autumn of 1967. The graffiti was captured in a now-famous photograph, in which a dog is urinating on the wall. A popular graffiti of the 1970s was the legend 'Dick Nixon Before He Dicks You,' reflecting the hostility of the youth culture to that U.S. president. Graffiti also became associated with the anti-establishment punk rock movement beginning in the 1970s. Bands such as Black Flag and Crass (and their followers) widely stenciled their names and logos, while many punk night clubs, squats and hangouts are famous for their graffiti.
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Graffiti into hip-hop
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<div align='center'><font size='5' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><strong>Graffiti art as an element of hip hop</strong></font></div>
<font size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><br />
   In America around the late 1960s, graffiti was used as a form of expression by political activists, and also by gangs such as the Savage Skulls, La Familia, and Savage Nomads to mark territory. Towards the end of the 1960s, the signatures(tags)of Philadelphia graffiti writers Top Cat, Cool Earl and Cornbread started to appear. Around 1970-71, the centre of graffiti innovation moved to New York City where writers following in the wake of TAKI 183 and Tracy 168 would add their street number to their nickname, 'bomb' a train with their work, and let the subway take it-and their fame, if it was impressive, or simply pervasive, enough-'all city'. Bubble lettering held sway initially among writers from the Bronx, though the elaborate Brooklyn style Tracy 168 dubbed 'wildstyle' would come to define the art. The early trendsetters were joined in the 70s by artists like Dondi, Futura 2000, Daze, Blade, Lee, Zephyr, Rammellzee, Crash, Kel, NOC 167 and Lady Pink. <br>
   The relationship between graffiti and hip hop culture arises both from early graffiti artists practicing other aspects of hip hop, and its being practiced in areas where other elements of hip hop were evolving as art forms. Graffiti is recognized as a visual expression of rap music, as break dancing is the physical expression. By the mid-eighties, the form would move from the street to the art world. Jean-Michel Basquiat would abandon his SAMO tag for art galleries, and even street art's connections to hip hop would loosen. Occasional hip hop paeans to graffiti could still be heard throughout the nineties, however, in tracks like the Artifacts' 'Wrong Side of Da Tracks' (Between a Rock and a Hard Place, Big Beat, 1994) and Company Flow's 'Lune TNS' (Funcrusher Plus, Rawkus, 1997).
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Documentaries and films
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<div align='center'><font size='5' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><strong>Documentaries and films</strong></font></div>
<font size='2' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><br />
80 Blocks from Tiffany's (1979), A rare glimpse into late 70's New York towards the end of the infamous South Bronx Gangs. The documentary shows many sides of the mainly Puerto Rican community of the South Bronx including. Reformed gang members, current gang members, the police, and the community leaders who try and reach out to them.<br>
Stations of the Elevated (1980), the earliest documentary about subway graffiti in New York City, with music by Charles Mingus<br>
Wild Style (1983), a drama about hip hop and graffiti culture in New York City<br>
Style Wars (1983), an early documentary on hip hop culture, made in New York City<br>
Bombing L.A. (1989), an award winning documentary about Los Angeles graffiti artists.<br>
Sprayed Conflict (1994), a documentary about Melbourne graffiti artists featuring well-known Australian graffiti writer Duel.<br>
Quality of Life (2004) a graffiti drama shot in the Mission District of San Francisco, starring/co-written by a retired graffiti writer.<br>
Piece By Piece (2005), a feature length documentary on the history of San Francisco graffiti from the early 1980s until the present day. Called the west coast Style Wars<br>
NEXT: A Primer on Urban Painting (2005), a documentary about global graffiti culture<br>
Bomb the System (2006), a drama about a crew of graffiti artists in modern day New York City<br>
Infamy (2007), a feature-length documentary about graffiti culture as told through the experiences of six well-known graffiti writers and a graffiti buffer.<br>
Jisoe (2007), a documentary on Melbourne graffiti artist Jisoe.<br>
BOMB IT (2007), the global graffiti and street art documentary filmed on 5 continents.<br>
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<div align='center'><font size='5' face='Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'><strong>Some urban art</strong></font></div>
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<img src='images/graf/flower01.jpg' />
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<img src='images/graf/redcarpetrats.jpg' />
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<img src='images/graf/rocket-launcher.jpg' />
<img src='images/graf/seen silver throw ups .jpg' />
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<img src='images/graf/snub23_piece.jpg' />
<img src='images/graf/soldierbeth01.jpg' />
<img src='images/graf/solittletosay.jpg' />
<img src='images/graf/spray_m3burner3.jpg' />
<img src='images/graf/teokrdazeoker.jpg' />
<img src='images/graf/terrible_t-kid170_throwie.jpg' />
<img src='images/graf/tescoflag.jpg' />
<img src='images/graf/watercan-girl-4.jpg' />
<img src='images/graf/windowlovers.jpg' />
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<td height='10'><div align='center'><font color='#000000' size='1' face='Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif'>Website created by Ion George Nicolae</font></div></td>
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